Tyra Banks has shared her predictions on how people will perceive beauty in the future in a piece published in The Wall Street Journal this week.

In the article, the 40-year-old "Top Model" judge declared that going forward "traditional beauty will be less valuable -- and more uniqueness will be heralded."

Banks goes on to predict that plastic surgery and new inventions will make beauty so "readily accesible" that most people will look the same prompting a shift in advertising for the beauty industry. She adds that humans will be available to pick and chose their babies' features resulting in an ever more similar-looking society.

The former super model also mentions the existence of robots/personal assistants and the return of the "hourglass" figure as the aspirational standard in her predictions and states that "women's empowerment will change dramatically," because their control over their own bodies and ever-increasing degrees of education over men's will have them "be in charge."

You can read a list of Banks' 10 beauty predictions for the future below:

1. Plastic surgery will be as easy and quick as going to the drugstore for Tylenol.

2. There will be no hair extensions.

3. Global warming will threaten our crops so natural food will be scarce.

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4. The features of one's baby will be as selectable as menu items at a fast-food drive-through window.

5. Skin color and features will mesh into a similar shade for the majority of people.

6. Because beauty will be so readily accessible and skin color and features will be similar.

7. Advertising for the beauty industry will have shifted.

8. Everyone will have at least one personal robot/assistant/companion.

9. For those who choose not to go for plastic surgery, beauty ingestibles (active waters, etc.) will give instant, yet temporary results.

10. Women's empowerment will be an irrelevant concept because the balance of power between the sexes will have shifted dramatically.