Big Brother featured the Head of Household Kyland Young winning the Power of Veto and choosing to keep his nominations for eviction the same during Wednesday night's Season 23 episode on CBS.
Kyland's decision keeps Tiffany Mitchell, a 40-year-old phlebotomist from Detroit, MI, and Hannah Chaddha, a 21-year-old graduate student from Chicago, IL, on the chopping block heading into Thursday night's live two-hour double eviction.
The Big Brother broadcast began on Day 66 after the Nomination Ceremony, when Kyland had nominated Tiffany and Hannah for eviction, with Tiffany being his main target because he said he couldn't trust her.
Tiffany admitted that she felt betrayed and had thought her Final 3 deal with Kyland and Hannah was "sealed." But the deal was now "null and void," according to Tiffany, and she realized she must win the Power of Veto competition or she'd be going to the jury.
Derek F. celebrated Tiffany being on the chopping block, saying he had been "waiting for this moment" for such a long time.
And Xavier Prather, a 27-year-old attorney from Kalamazoo, MI, believed Kyland was honoring their gentlemen's agreement about going to the Final 2 together. Had Xavier won Head of Household, he said he'd also go after Tiffany.
"I am shocked. The fact Kyland is willing to turn his back on me and Tiffany tells me that he feels he's getting protection from elsewhere," Hannah said.
"It's definitely thrown me for a loop, and I feel I have to get to the bottom of this in order to survive this week."
Based on Kyland's speech, Hannah assumed that she wasn't his target, and Kyland explained how she and Tiffany were on the block together because they're close allies and there was no way Xavier and Tiffany wanted to move forward in the game together.
"Why would you care whom X is able to co-exist with unless you are closely aligned with Xavier? Everything is adding up and I believe the guys are working together, and I think Kyland is foolish if what he's wanting to accomplish is winning this season," Hannah said in the Diary Room.

"If your goal is to lose to Xavier and walk out in second place, congratulations because you're doing amazing, Sweetie."
Later on, Xavier said he thought he had the best chance of winning this game when sitting next to Kyland or Derek Frazier, a 29-year-old safety officer from Philadelphia, PA, also known as "Big D," in the end.
And Derek F. pointed out how Kyland had just drawn a line and Hannah would be gunning for one of them next.
And the only person left in the game whom Tiffany trusted was Hannah.
Hannah and Tiffany came to the conclusion that if one of them won the Power of Veto, Kyland would probably name Azah Awasum, a 30-year-old director of sales operations from Baltimore, MD, the replacement nominee.
Hannah therefore noted the ideal situation would be for Azah to win the Power of Veto, take Hannah or Tiffany off the block, and save herself in the process.
Hannah then lamented to Azah how she couldn't envision a path to the Final 4 or beyond since the men were working together and Azah needed to win and stick closely with Tiffany and herself.
"I would really love a Black woman to me, even if it's not me," Hannah shared with Azah, "[but] if Tiffany leaves this week, [the guys] have the numbers."
Azah, however, said she was at a crossroads in the game because she had also formed close relationships with Derek F. and Xavier. Azah wanted to build a women's alliance at the start of the game, but clearly that didn't happen.
Going into the Power of Veto competition, Tiffany recognized her back was against the wall.
It then became time for the "BB Comics" Power of Veto competition. The players were required to find all 16 phony "BB Comics" and post them on his or her website for the world to see.
After hitting a button to start his or her clock, each houseguest must fly down a zipline to view a sneak peek of poster-sized comics inside the BB Comics Studio. The players must then line up the comics on a computer screen so they exactly match what's inside the studio wall.
However, there were real covers and fake ones.
The houseguest to place the real comic-book collection in the correct order in the fastest time would win the golden Power of Veto.
In the end, Kyland won the Power of Veto with a time of 11 minutes and 44 seconds, and Derek F. finished in second place with a time of 14 minutes and five seconds.
Kyland said he would have loved to give Derek F. this win but it was crucial for him to win the Veto and keep nominations the same so he wouldn't get any more blood on his hands.
As for the other houseguests, Hannah finished the competition with a time of 14 minutes and six seconds, Azah completed the competition in 20 minutes and 22 seconds, Xavier clocked in a time of 20 minutes and 56 seconds, and Tiffany timed out at 40 minutes.
Tiffany wondered if she could talk Kyland into keeping her in the eyes, so she didn't think the competition was necessarily worst-case scenario.
And Derek F. didn't want people to start viewing him as a threat since he had an amazing social game all season long.
Kyland considered all of his options for the Veto since next week with arguably be his most vulnerable point in the game.
Tiffany then put her pride aside and attempted to turn Kyland around and get him back on her side. She said she needed Kyland to save her game and would work with only him going forward.
"If it's down to a Veto and I win it, I will always pull you off the block," Tiffany promised Kyland.
"If we are down to the Final 3 and we are down to the Final 2, you go wherever I go... If I am here, I will back those words up with actions."
Tiffany offering Kyland her unconditional loyalty for the rest of the game was "enticing," according to Kyland, but he pointed out in the Diary Room how Tiffany had a history of prioritizing or leaning into her "own self-interest," which would make him doubt her loyalty in the future when it matters most.
Hannah also promised Kyland loyalty right up through the Final 3, hoping he'd take her off the block and she could figure out a way to make Tiffany stay.
"Hannah has proven herself to be a strong competitor. If I use this Veto on her, that could strengthen our relationship moving into this next HoH, where I'm not going to be able to play," Kyland acknowledged.
"So the question is, can I actually trust her to vote Tiffany out?"
At the Veto Meeting, Kyland announced he had decided to keep his nominations the same, resulting in both Tiffany and Hannah staying on the chopping block.
Kyland admitted he was still focused on getting Xavier and himself to the Final 2.
"I understand why these people are afraid of me. I am the reason why we are where we are today," Tiffany bragged.
"The same way I came up with a master plan is the same way I will come up with another plan to make sure I'm still in this house next week. So yeah, they're scared, and they should be. It's Big Brother -- and I came to play!"
About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski