Bachelor in Paradise featured Kendall Long leaving Paradise in tears over her lingering feelings for Joe Amabile, the cast evacuating amid a dangerous tropical storm, another storm brewing between Aaron Clancy and Ivan Hall over Chelsea Vaughn, and two couples admittedly falling in love during Tuesday night's Season 7 episode on ABC.
All of the cast members could tell this situation was difficult for Kendall, who attempted to put on a brave face while she was really hurting on the inside.
Kendall didn't want to be upset in front of Joe and told bartender Wells Adams that she felt "frustrated." Kendall said she wasn't expecting another Joe to just walk into her life but she hoped for a connection that could exceed what they had someday.
A "vulnerable" Kendall then pulled Joe aside to talk.
"A part of me wants to keep trying. I don't want to, like, just give up. But at the same time, I'm not letting Joe's relationship with Serena get in the way of my happiness anymore," Kendall said in a confessional.
"Because one thing I know for sure, I will always love Joe, and I think he feels the same way that I do."
Kendall explained to Joe how memories of their relationship in Paradise had come rushing back to her and she loved the way they used to be. Kendall still felt like Joe was her best friend.
"I love seeing you thriving and being happy and making connections with people, but it reminds me of why I fell in love with you, so it's just hard to see that," Kendall cried.
"Are you not over us?" Joe asked his ex.
"Don't ask me that right now," Kendall replied. "I never stopped loving you, obviously... I feel like I'm always going to have love for you."
Joe hugged Kendall as she cried and said he'll always care for her and be there for her. Joe assured Kendall that she was going to be okay.

Kendall believed she and Joe had come to Paradise for the same reason, to possibly see each other in part, but Joe confessed, "I mean, to be honest, the reason I came out here is because I knew it was over between us. But you were a big part of my life."
Kendall decided to leave the beach, and so she said goodbye to everyone including her spark in Paradise, Ivan, who said he'd miss the blonde beauty.
Joe said his relationship with Kendall was "real" and it "worked," but he told the cameras, "If she really wanted me back, she should have told me before I got here and before I started this. Because I really, really loved her."
Joe could see how upset Kendall was, but he was apparently feeling something strong for Serena at that point.
Joe promised Serena that what happened with Kendall didn't take away from anything they had but it was difficult to see Kendall hurting, and Serena clearly felt confident in her romance and just comforted and kissed Joe.
"This is just, like, devastating. It really is. Joe is my person, like, I need a second," Kendall said in her final words, bawling her eyes out.
"I was in a real relationship with Joe and I came back where it all started, and what that did to me, I just feel absolutely broken. This is the hardest thing I've ever been through and it just keeps going. I've never experienced anything like this."
Aaron and Chelsea were also coupled-up, although they didn't appear to be in a solid relationship, as well as Becca Kufrin and Thomas Jacobs.
Just as Joe Park and Ivan were hoping more women would arrive to the beach, guest-host Lil Jon welcomed more men into the picture: Ed Waisbrot and Demar Jackson from The Bachelorette's sixteenth season, who both stepped on the beach with Date Cards.
"They obviously look shredded... like two thick Christmas hams," Aaron joked of the new arrivals.
"They are absolutely massive and could feed a whole village of cannibals, and Demar, the man is a mountain of a man. That is a little bit concerning for me."
Demar immediately pulled Chelsea aside for a conversation, but Aaron told his friends that he was up for the challenge. However, Demar also seemed interested in Maurissa, whom Riley referred to as "my girl" and "my one fish" in the sea.
"Maurissa has expressed the one person she was hoping to see coming into this was Demar," Becca explained.
Ed asked to speak with Natasha, whom Dr. Joe said he felt "potential" with -- even though Natasha thought their relationship was a bit weird and awkward since Joe and Brendan Morais are great friends back home.
Ed asked Natasha on his date and Demar invited Chelsea out, which left Aaron feeling unhappy. Aaron thought Chelsea was funny and sexy, and so he wasn't looking forward to her getting to know another guy.
Maurissa then revealed she felt ready to get engaged to Riley, however, after talking to Demar, she needed a little bit more from her man. Maurissa said Riley showed how he felt through his actions but he needed to verbally express how he was feeling about her.
Maurissa was apparently desperate to have a deep conversation with Riley but she didn't want it to scare him away. She was in her head and felt frustrated because they were having fun together but she needed a bit more.
Meanwhile, Ed and Demar went on a double date with Natasha and Chelsea, and the women were asked to paint the nearly-naked men, both with body art and on a canvas.
A Date Card then arrived in Paradise for Kenny, who asked Mari to join him on a date. Mari, knowing an engagement could be on the horizon for them, hoped to have deeper, more important conversations during their evening together.
But first, Kenny and Mari essentially created edible art by putting tacos all over each other's naked bodies before eating them off. It created a new level of intimacy for the couple, and Mari told the cameras she was "falling in love" with Kenny.
"Mari is the hottest plate I've ever seen. She is a freak. Behind closed doors, you've got to watch out," Kenny revealed.
That evening, James Bonsall surprised Tia Booth with a little date on the beach, attempting to combine her country roots with his city life. The couple kissed, and James said sometimes things have a crazy way of working themselves out.
But a conflicted Tia explained in a confessional, "My heart is leading me to James, who is such a great person overall. But sometimes you have to just listen to your vagina, and kissing [Blake Monar] makes my vagina dance and tingle and feel really nice."
And on Kenny's date, he said he felt differently about Mari than he's ever felt about another woman before. He wanted to make sure they were on the same page about their potential future together.
"I was all about you immediately for some reason," Kenny told Mari, adding that he felt strongly about her quickly.
Kenny told Mari that it didn't scare him to talk about being together after the show and he'd be willing to talk about getting engaged soon.
"I believe in what we have, and I really do think we're going to be good after this," Mari told Kenny.
Kenny said he was "falling in love" with Mari, and she replied, "That's funny because I am falling in love with you too. [I am] 100 percent [sure]."
Kenny began considering popping the question, especially since he rarely told women that he loved them in his past.
Afterward, Maurissa wanted to find out why Riley was holding back from her on an emotional level. She didn't want the conversation to be "make or break" for their relationship.
Riley admitted to Maurissa he probably wouldn't be able to handle her dating another guy and he viewed her as his girl ever since their first date. He assured Maurissa that another woman wouldn't steal him away from her.
Maurissa asked Riley why he was so "closed off," and Riley said he had been wanting the same thing for 10 years but had the tendency to screw up a good thing.
"As badly as I want a family of my own, my family situation has never been too great. That's one of the things at the top that scares me. My parents got divorced when I was super young and I remember how my dad treated my mom, and it wasn't good," Riley explained.
Riley said his father had tried to keep him and his siblings away from their mother and their relationship ended up falling apart and failing.
Riley broke down into tears over the tough conversation, but Maurissa asked him to talk to her.
Riley revealed he and his father are actually similar people and what scares him is that although his dad tried hard to keep the family together, he doesn't have a good relationship with his kids and had lost his wife.
Riley, however, reunited with his mother and said everything was great between them now and he was excited for Maurissa to meet her.
"Just do know that I do care about you a lot, and I have been in love before, and I feel myself going that way. It's scary as hell for me, but I'm going to do it because I have to and because I want to," Riley told Maurissa.
"That's all I've been wanting! Thank you! This is what I needed," Maurissa gushed. "Riley, I'm serious."
"I want you to be my man... I love waking up to you," Maurissa shared, adding, "Riley, it's hard for me -- very hard. But I know that I am falling in love with you."
"I am falling in love with you too," Riley responded.
Maurissa was so happy and relieved she and Riley could open up to each other and be vulnerable, and Riley said Maurissa could one day be his wife and the mother of his kids whom he wakes up next to every single morning.
Riley said he looked forward to making Maurissa breakfast with scrambled eggs and bacon and gushed, "She'll learn more about me. I'm not looking for a one-night thing; I'm looking for a forever thing."
When the next cocktail party and Rose Ceremony was supposed to commence, two members of the production staff announced to the staff they were going to be canceled because "a dangerous tropical storm" was "rapidly approaching."
The storm was headed straight for the cast, so production decided everyone should evacuate immediately and it was no longer safe for them to be in Paradise.
Everyone packed their bags immediately and began evacuating right away.
"Earlier today, I was stressed about who I was going to give my rose to, but now I'm stressed about getting out of her and being alive. That's a little terrifying," Tia said in a confessional.
And Becca added, "It's got to be a big deal to close this place down."
The cast members were afraid to lose the connections they had formed and not be able to see their love interests again. They didn't even know whether they'd return to the resort later on.
As the cocktail party began, James said leaving Paradise single would be "devastating," and Ivan maintained optimism that anything could happen in Paradise.
But several couples gushed about how far they had come in their relationships.
Joe announced to the whole group, "My first time on Paradise meant a lot to me, and I'm realizing this time might mean a little more."
And Riley shared how he was "all about" Maurissa, who also called Riley "my man."
Tia told Blake that she wanted to feel pursued and chosen and special. Tia was attracted to his "bad-boy" persona and said she's all about that, but she wasn't getting enough from him on an emotional level.
Blake explained to Tia that he wanted to date her outside of the show, but Tia said he needed to show how he felt and not just say it.
"I've been in relationships over and over with dudes who don't care. They don't f-cking care!" Tia complained. "You know this is a choice between you and somebody else, and you don't even try?!"
Blake insisted to Tia that he cared about her and her happiness and he didn't know what else he could do to prove that to her.
"I want you. I will do anything," Blake said.
"But words only go so far," Tia lamented, adding that all she needed was for Blake to act like he gave a sh-t about her when they first reunited on the beach post-storm.
Tia then thanked James for his effort, saying his actions hadn't gone unnoticed.
And Aaron also stepped up his game by creating a fashion runway for Chelsea on the beach. Ivan figured Aaron was just trying to do enough to "survive" and he didn't genuinely seem completely invested or interested in Chelsea.
Chelsea admitted to Aaron she had wanted her date with Demar to end quickly so she could return to the beach to Aaron, and he was excited to hear that and kissed Chelsea.
"You are beautiful and great and so sweet, the full-package type of deal... I think something great can come of it," Aaron told the model.
Aaron said Chelsea is a really special person and he hoped he wouldn't "f-ck it up," but then Ivan pulled Chelsea aside with some white wine.
Ivan put his game face on, but Chelsea called them "homies," suggesting she had friend zoned him and felt really comfortable around him.
Aaron, watching from a distance, pointed out how Ivan just seemed desperate to receive a rose considering the women would be handing them out at the next Rose Ceremony. But then Ivan went in for a kiss and Chelsea didn't hold back.
Aaron told James that Ivan hadn't spoken to Chelsea prior to Rose Ceremony day, and James accused Ivan of "rose hunting."
"He's such a little f-cking b-tch," Aaron complained. "I will slap that stupid beard off his face."
After their conversation, Chelsea and Ivan walked away from a daybed holding hands, and Aaron called him a snake and decided to share how he was feeling about the situation.
Aaron called Ivan "a b-tch boy" and accused the bachelor of lying to his face.
Aaron confronted Ivan, recalling how Ivan had allegedly said he wasn't trying to take any of the women's roses away from other guys.
Ivan said Chelsea had "surprised" him, but Aaron called that "a b-tch move."
Ivan got up in Aaron's face, and another storm was clearly brewing!
The episode ended on a cliffhanger, with Lil Jon revealing Bachelor in Paradise's next episode will be three-hours long.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski