Leave it to the Internet to build a better gaydar. Playing It Straight's Jackie might be having problems identitying her show's gay suitors, but armed with tips from a cadre of sharp-eyed gay readers, one online magazine has apparently had no such problems.

Using tips and photos provided by its readers, Gawker.com, a Manhattan web magazine with a focus on "gossip, entertainment, fashion, and real estate snippets," has posted reports and photos showing several of the FOX program's gay-or-straight suitors out and about at gay hotspots across the nation --presumably all but eliminating any doubt as to their sexual orientation.

NOTE: The following may contain significant spoilers on the sexual orientation of several Playing It Straight's male suitors. Please stop reading immediately if you do not wish to learn this information.

While Jackie has so far only managed to correctly nab one gay man out of the four men that she's ousted -- prompting viewer speculation that the joke might actually be on Jackie and cast might actually contain very few gay men -- if Gawker's reports are correct, the remaining cast of ten includes at least five more gay men.

According to Gawker, Brad, Bill, Chad, Lee, and Luciano are all definitely gay, with the site having located photos of Brad on a "gentlemen's site" and Luciano at gay bars in both Atlanta and Miami Beach, reports of Chad being a regular at an Austin gay bar, stories of Bill having had a 30th birthday gay party cruise, and tales of Lee being a former "gym buddy" of New York City gay bar bartender.

Additionally, while it seems Sharif's orientation remains the subject of some debate, someone who's met him tells the site that his apparent addiction to hair products is not -- and that he's been heard saying that he made it "almost all the way" (which we're presuming is meant with regard to his time on the show and um... not something else.)