90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' Tell All Part 1 featured Loren and Faith back together, Niles clashing with Adnan and Loren, Adnan and Tigerlily revealing a big life update, and Vanja putting Bozo in his place during the Season 7 episode that aired Sunday night on TLC.
The eight couples include Tigerlily, a 41-year-old from Texas, and Adnan, a 23-year-old from Jordan; Loren, a 33-year-old from Nevada, and Faith, a 31-year-old from the Philippines; Niles, a 28-year-old from Alabama, and Matilda, a 23-year-old from Ghana; and Rayne, a 38-year-old from New Mexico, and Chidi, a 34-year-old from Nigeria.
The rest of the Season 7 couples are Joe, a 34-year-old from Florida, and Magda, a 23-year-old from Poland; Brian, a 52-year-old from Illinois, and Ingrid, a 33-year-old from Brazil; Veah, a 27-year-old from Florida, and Sunny, a 26-year-old from South Africa; and Vanja, a 41-year-old from Florida, and Bozo, a 38-year-old from Croatia.
Rayne and Chidi broke up during filming, and so did Loren and Faith as well as Brian and Ingrid.
The seventh season of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days followed Americans who had begun online romantic relationships with foreign partners as they traveled overseas hoping to get engaged to someone they had never met in person before and then begin the K-1 Visa immigration process.
Along the way, the couples encountered challenges such as large age gaps, language barriers, cultural issues, and questionable pasts.
The Tell All was hosted by Shaun Robinson, and Chidi and Rayne chose not to appear on the special at all.
Veah, Bozo, Magda and Matilda all participated in the Tell All via Zoom.
Below is what happened on 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days' Tell-All Part 1 for Season 7 on TLC.
Brian predicted Ingrid was going to try to make him look like "the bad guy" at the Tell All."I got my issues, no doubt, but Ingrid is no f-cking angel, and I want the world to see that. I think she is finally going to be revealed, and I can't wait for it," Brian told the cameras.

Brian confirmed to Shaun that he and Ingrid were definitely broken up. In fact, Brian was already dating somebody new.
For Ingrid's part, she was also in a new relationship at the time of filming the Tell All.
Vanja said a lot of drama had transpired with Bozo and then she had a very passionate romance with Josko. Vanja couldn't wait to tell her side of the story and "finally be heard."Vanja was upset because Bozo had told her via text that he loved her, but Bozo said he was joking around and being playful at the time. He called her "wifey" as well.
Bozo said Vanja is a great person but chemistry was lacking between them and so in order to protect her, he ended things.
Vanja said she and Bozo never even kissed, and Adnan declared how the situation was surprising because Vanja is a very nice and beautiful woman. Adnan quipped that maybe Bozo is blind or something.
"She is out of my league," Bozo agreed.
Vanja's cousin Sanela then joined the cast onstage at the Tell All and scolded Bozo for hurting Vanja and not "trying" in their relationship. Sanela said ended things on Day 1 wasn't trying at all.
Vanja then revealed how one of Bozo's ex-girlfriends had reached out to her via text.
"She wasn't sure if Bozo was lying to her and if he was dating both of us at the same time," Vanja shared.
This unidentified woman texted Vanja that Bozo was supposed to propose marriage to her in December but she broke up with him first. The girl questioned if Bozo had emotionally cheated on her for an entire year, alleging that Bozo refused to be honest about the situation.
The woman wrote, "I thought it was over. I feel shocked, humiliated, angry, and hurt all over again."
Vanja had told this woman that she thought Bozo was single when they were talking.
Bozo apologized to that woman for making her feel like that. Bozo said his conscience would never allow him to mix emotions and "sit on two chairs" at once.
Bozo insisted that if he talked to Vanja and his ex at the same time, it was only in a friendly manner. He also claimed that he never went back to his ex-girlfriend and that he was single and totally alone.
Bozo told Vanja that he hopes she'll find her dream man and perfect boyfriend, and then he tried to exit the conversation for a 10PM work meeting. Vanja wasn't buying it, and she accused Bozo of being full of excuses and dishing out "word salad" with no meaning.
Although Vanja had pleaded with Bozo to stay on the Tell All, he left.
"He doesn't even have a job. What type of meeting does he have?!" Vanja quipped.
Adnan's visa had been approved, and he said he loved living in Texas with his wife, as he enjoyed driving her truck and going fishing.Tigerlily assumed the other couples were going to label Adnan "controlling," and she was right.
Adnan and Tigerlily's baby son was six-weeks-old at the time of filming this Tell All. The couple gushed over pictures of him and both noted how they missed him in that moment.
Tigerlily revealed that Adnan's brother Thaer no longer served as power of attorney, which made her happy but displeased Adnan.
Adnan said he wanted to make sure Thaer could protect his businesses over in the Middle East, but Tigerlily explained how the arrangement bled into their personal lives and finances.
Vanja announced how Tigerlily should have made Adnan sign a post-nuptial agreement in order to protect herself.
Adnan then asked Vanja why she hadn't protected herself from two men who ended up hurting her.
"Emotions, you recover from. Money is harder," Vanja replied.
Tigerlily's male hair stylist Cruz then joined the cast on the set of the Tell All.
Cruz had told Tigerlily that she was being manipulated and rushing to have children.
When Shaun asked Cruz, if he still felt that way, Cruz said he did think Tigerlily was rushing into being a mom. Tigerlily, however, insisted that she really wanted a baby and it was her decision to make.
Cruz said he was always worried that Tigerlily could lose her money and so he wanted her to take her time and really get to know Adnan.
Tigerlily had complained during the season about how there was a double standard in her relationship and so Adnan agreed not to see female doctors or shake other women's hands.
Vanja said she didn't like to see Vanja giving into Adnan's demands and expectations.
In a never-before-seen clip, Adnan's mother told Tigerlily that she didn't need to dress conservatively because of their religion and she should be able to make her own decisions and dress herself.
Adnan's mother suggested that Adnan was trying to oppress Tigerlily and have her fulfill his desires. No one in the cast thought Adnan considered Tigerlily his equal.
The cast could tell that Tigerlily wasn't speaking her mind in fear of upsetting or pissing Adnan off. In order to hear what Tigerlily really had to say, Adnan walked off the stage and gave Tigerlily a chance to speak without him near -- but he told her to be "careful" before leaving.
Tigerlily said she didn't mind wearing long and conservative dresses because she just had a baby and wasn't comfortable wearing tight or flashy clothing.
Brian advised Adnan not to let his ego ruin his life, but Adnan called the cast a bunch of losers.
Niles accused Adnan of having a "temper tantrum" backstage, but Tigerlily told her husband that she didn't care what anyone else thought. Adnan complained about how the cast was not comprised of good people.
"These people don't matter," Tigerlily assured her husband.
Vanja said Adnan was hiding behind his religion and culture when it was really "an Adnan problem" going on.
Loren said after one month of no contact with Faith, the pair began speaking "every single day" and things got back to normal.ADVERTISEMENT
Loren claimed a drug addict had stolen multiple engagement rings he had shipped to Faith in the Philippines.
When asked if she considered herself engaged -- again -- to Loren, Faith replied, "No," and Loren appeared very surprised.
"We are back together but not engaged," Faith revealed in tears. "It's very hard because I love him. This is the first relationship I've ever been in, and it's really hard for me."
Faith said she wanted to find true love and be loved but it was hard for her to do since she's "a ladyboy."
Niles told Faith, "Loren has shown you who he is. I'm just going to tell you: believe him."
Niles added, "Believe what you have seen from him already. At the very end, when Loren was clearly not getting his way, he started making threatening gestures. To me, there would not be a conversation after that."
Vanja said Loren didn't seem to take his relationship with Faith seriously, but Loren explained how he smiled when he was nervous and it was a defense mechanism.
The entire cast agreed that Faith should have left Loren for good.
Faith explained how he wasn't scared to be alone but she just wanted to be happy. With that being said, Niles pointed out how Faith -- who was still in tears at this moment -- didn't look happy at all.
"You slept with everyone and all the time lied," Magda announced. "How can she trust you?"
Loren claimed that Faith was aware he had been having sex with other people but their messages got misconstrued at one point. Loren said he had told Faith that he slept with some of his friends, and he acknowledged, "I've made some mistakes."
Loren's friend and ex-girlfriend Esther joined the cast onstage at the Tell All, and she explained how Loren jumped into relationships too quickly and tended to cast a wide net in order to find a person to love. Esther said if a romance didn't work with someone, he'd have a backup plan ready to go.
Vanja said having backup options and "spreading the joy" all over the place certainly wasn't giving his "all" to Faith.
Esther apologized to Faith for not having clarified or gotten into more detail about Loren's sexual relations with his friends.
Esther also apologized for Loren being "gullible" and "not being street smart." She pointed out how Loren had been tricked by a person falsely claiming to be trans before.
Loren then revealed he had purchased a ticket to the Philippines as part of a pyramid scheme, and not just to visit Faith.
Loren then revealed to Faith, "During the one week we were apart, I did have sex -- with the girl who gave me Gonorrhea."
Faith said her relationship with Loren was "complicated" because she saw good things in him but happened to see more bad things. She also mentioned how it was difficult to get over her first love.
After a clip showed Loren talking about how he enjoyed drinking urine, Niles announced how he didn't like Loren at all because he's "stupid and evil."
Niles thought Loren craved power and being in control of other people. Niles said Loren was hurting Faith and didn't seem to care about that at all.
Brian then asked Faith if she didn't want to give Loren up because he sent her money and provided for her family. Loren said he had "eaten out of the garbage" in order to send Faith about $8,000, but Faith said she had never asked him to do that.
"If that was a scam and she's using him, then he's falling for it, thinking they're in love," Esther told Brian.
Veah said that when she returned home from filming the 90 Day Fiance season, she grew very ill and couldn't even swallow. Veah said she had lost a lot of weight and she was down about 50 pounds."After months of doing tests, they were able to find gallstones. And I think we're on the right track now to get this all figured out," Veah shared.
Niles and Matilda had gone 10 months without seeing each other, and Niles said it was very tough on them."It's hard being apart from each other like that, especially because our love is really freaking strong!" Niles gushed.
Niles explained how he and Matilda were waiting for Matilda's interview to be scheduled and the visa was taking a lot longer than they had anticipated. Niles said his parents thinking Matilda was a scammer added a complication to their situation.
Matilda insisted that she loved Niles for who he is and she wasn't after a life in the United States.
"If we stay in Ghana, I would be very happy," Matilda noted, adding how she could've found a man with a lot more money if that was what she was after.
Adnan later called Niles "a sugar daddy," and Niles threatened him by saying, "I will break your face!"
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski