90 Day: The Last Resort featured Julia Trubkina revealing she "can't have kids," Biniyam Shibre flipping Ariela Weinberg two middle fingers and denying cheating allegations, and Gino Palazzolo telling Jasmine Pineda that she "already lost" him during the Season 2 episode that aired Monday night on TLC.
Season 2 of 90 Day: The Last Resort stars Ariela and Biniyam, Gino and Jasmine, Brandon Gibbs and Julia, Rob Warne and Sophie Sierra, Josh Weinstein and Natalie Mordovtseva, and Stacey Silva and Florian Sukaj.
The six couples have all reached a relationship breaking point and will spend three weeks at a desert resort in Arizona undergoing a rigorous relationship bootcamp designed to rebuild trust and connections.
At the resort, the couples will be shown working with therapists and counselors to navigate issues of jealousy, anger and intimacy through group therapy and untraditional approaches -- including hypnotherapy, pleasure mapping, sand tray therapy and off-grid excursions into the desert.
At the end of the retreat, each couple must decide if they want to stay together or call it quits on their relationship at the Final Recommitment Ceremony.
Below is what happened on Episode 7 of 90 Day: The Last Resort's second season.
Natalie said everyone had attacked her and it felt wrong, and Josh made it known that he wanted to be back with Natalie.Rob thought Natalie was just jealous of the young, pretty girl, and Sophie complained about how she doesn't like -- or associate -- with mean girls.
Because Natalie had laughed at her, Sophie called Natalie "a bully."
Later on, Natalie and Josh met with a sex therapist and did some pleasure mapping. They were supposed to find spots on each other's body that felt good and then pour syrup on those areas, but Josh wasn't onboard with getting sticky and messy.
However, Natalie really wanted to do the exercise, and so Josh played along -- until he was asked to take off his shirt.

Josh said he didn't like public displays of affection or showing off his body, and that seemed to piss Natalie off.
Given Josh was so confident in his sexual abilities, Natalie was surprised to see him acting so shy and reserved. She yelled at him for insulting and rejecting her.
But then Josh agreed to finish the activity as long as the therapist left the room.
Josh ultimately had fun with Natalie, but he said he didn't really like it. Josh also voiced how the day after sex tended to be tough with Natalie because she wanted to be with him more or receive more attention.
Josh said he didn't like Natalie interrupting his work day or expecting too much of him because he has two children. But Natalie complained how she just wanted to be with him and that's a normal relationship.
Natalie said she had broken up with Josh three times and he always came back to her. Natalie said even Donald Trump made time for his wife.
Natalie asked Josh to announce who she was to him, but he wouldn't call her his girlfriend.
Natalie told the therapist she had enough for that day, and so she kicked the therapist out.
Natalie put up a wall, and it seemed to be a missed opportunity.
The therapist said they had "a complete breakdown in communication."
Brandon told Julia that although she thought he wouldn't help her with children, they'd work as a team. Brandon insisted they'd be amazing parents together.Julia broke down into tears and said she felt so much anxiety. Julia then explained how she was in a lot of pain.
"When I say that I don't want kids, and when I say I don't want [them] because I'm so scared to be in reality, so I can't have kids," Julia announced.
The entire cast, including Brandon, appeared shocked, and then Julia cried even harder.
"You don't know that," Brandon said.
But then Julia shared how two years prior, she had traveled to Russia and taken a fertility test at the doctor's office.
"They told me I can't have kids because of the inside of my body," Julia said. "But Brandon is trying to tell me I need a second opinion in America."
"Yeah, absolutely," Brandon said.
Julia said she didn't want a second opinion about kids because it was hard enough hearing the first time that she can't have a child. Julia was afraid more bad news would break their relationship.
"I've expressed it before, but this is something I want and have to have," Brandon told the cameras.
Brandon assured Julia that wasn't the case, but Julia pointed out how Brandon really wants kids and talked about it all the time. Brandon also noted how he and Julia would have other options if necessary.
Jasmine thanked Julia for being so vulnerable, and she added, "You are going to be an amazing mom."
It appeared Julia and Brandon had a breakthrough in that moment.
The next day, Julia came around and told Brandon that she'd be willing to comprise and see another doctor for a second opinion. Julia was admittedly feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.
"I would not leave Julia over this. I know this is upsetting for Julia, but no matter what, I will love her and support her," Brandon told the cameras.
Ariela gave Biniyam the passwords to his social media, and the entire cast thought this was a step in the right direction.But Jasmine thought Ariela and Biniyam's relationship was broken and that they probably wouldn't be able to work things out.
This gesture made everything better, according to Biniyam, who said he was willing to communicate with Ariela now and actually try to improve their dynamic.
When the cast went to a bar that night, Ariela asked Biniyam to spend some time with her.
Once Ariela and Biniyam entered the bar, Ariela was hoping that her husband would come clean to her about his alleged infidelity.
"I just want you to admit what you've done because it really hurt me and destroyed me," Ariela cried. "If you could just say the truth, just once."
Biniyam denied ever cheating on Ariela. He wouldn't admit to being with a woman early in their relationship when Ariela was back in the United States, and he wouldn't confess to any recent cheating or affair.
Biniyam claimed he had a relationship with a woman before meeting Ariela and then Ariela got pregnant. Biniyam said he felt bad for the girl he had dumped and so he met up with her and she was struggling with depression.
Biniyam claimed he was trying to comfort this woman but they didn't have sex.
"But I have a video of her laying in my bed, in my house -- and you were there," Ariela countered.
Ariela accused Biniyam of having a "made up story," and then Biniyam cut the conversation short and said he had enough.
As Biniyam walked away from Ariela, he asked her if she wanted to fix their relationship. When Ariela tried to talk about the cheating more, Biniyam kept repeating his question and asked her to swear on their son Avi's life.
Ariela said she never swore on her son's life like Biniyam did, and then Biniyam flipped his wife two middle fingers.
Ariela complained to Stacey and Natalie about how Biniyam couldn't tell the truth and so they had no chance of moving forward. She said she had brought Biniyam to therapy hoping he'd hold himself accountable for his faults and mistakes.
Biniyam, meanwhile, told the guys that Ariela didn't bring him on the show to fix their relationship. He believed that she just wanted to make him look bad on television.
Biniyam cried about how he had agreed to do the show because he loved his son Avi. Biniyam told the cameras that he had messed up in the past but he just wanted Ariela to focus on the future.
When Jasmine and Gino were at the bar with the rest of the cast, Florian asked Gino to sit next to him and Jasmine wouldn't allow it.Jasmine said she didn't want to deal with Gino's drunken antics again and that Gino seemed to be treating the retreat as a vacation with the boys.
"I'm like, 'Hello, what about your wife?! Do you have any plans for us?' Apparently not," Jasmine complained to the cameras.
Later on, Jasmine, wearing a skimpy bikini, was shown joining Gino in bed and trying to tickle him.
Jasmine asked Gino to kiss her, but he refused. Jasmine repeatedly asked, only for Gino to reply, "No, not at this moment. Lager!"
Jasmine threw pillows at Gino and said she was sick and tired of putting up with his behavior. Jasmine said she just wanted a kiss, not sex, and his reaction was their real problem.
Gino told Jasmine that they had amazing chemistry and sex before, which is why they got married, but they didn't have that type of connection anymore. Gino explained how he was hurt and needed to feel loved and appreciated.
"You don't even want to kiss me. You don't even want to hug me," Jasmine cried to her husband.
"You are losing me," she added.
"Well, you already lost me," Gino clapped back.
Jasmine explained how she craved sex and so the only way to save their marriage would be to open it up to someone else. Jasmine said she was giving the relationship her all but Gino simply wasn't meeting her halfway.
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About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski