Deemed to have failed to bring the person whom Donald Trump thought might be most responsible for his team's task failure into the final boardroom, Dan Brody a 31-year-old clothing company owner from Miami, Florida became the sixth contestant fired from the fifth edition of The Apprentice.

After last episode's boardroom session in which team pariah Brent Buckman was fired, Synergy Corporation's members continued to squabble once they returned to the contestants' loft. Upset that Roxanne Wilson had remarked that Tammy Trenta was a better team leader than her during the boardroom session, Andrea Lake confronted Roxanne for terming Tammy the more "sincere" leader.

The next morning, the teams met with Trump and learned that their next task would require them to create a 30 second commercial for Norwegian Cruise Line to promote its Freestyle Cruising option that allows schedule-less access to food and entertainment services. In order to design and film the promotional advertisement, they were given three hours on board the cruise line's newest ship, the Norwegian Jewel. At Synergy Corporation Roxanne volunteered to lead the project, while Dan Brody (previously best known for choosing to observe the Jewish holiday and miss the team's third task) assumed the leadership role for his team's Gold Rush Corporation.

Despite some initial resentment about his forceful and hyperactive management style, Dan appeared to get his team moving forward on their task and adjust to their input as he continued to press them on. When Lenny Veltman suggested the commercial begin with a castaway being rescued from the sea and put onto the ship and received the vocal support of his friend Lee Bienstock, Dan quickly decided to incorporate that idea into his original less flashy vision. However although he had ruled by consensus during the planning stage, Dan seemed to take single-handed ownership of the project once its direction was set, appearing unwilling or unable to share the multiple tasks with his underused teammates.

Things were decidedly more chaotic at Synergy Corporation, where Roxanne appeared initially overwhelmed by both the task and its timeline. Her feud with Andrea also re-ignited when Andrea appeared to be deliberatively and openly denigrating Roxanne’s leadership. However Roxanne continued to press her vision despite Andrea’s best attempts to derail her, getting most of the commercial's scenes filmed before it was time to disembark the ship.

During Gold Rush's editing process, Tarek Saab, who had been given the responsibility to finish the clip, got annoyed with the outspoken Lenny as he bluntly pointed out the obvious flaw in the commercial: it contained no voiceover and relied exclusively on text. Tarek -- who's Mensa intelligence had previously been called into question several times by Trump himself -- vehemently defended his vision and ultimately convinced Dan to go with his vision for the final ad. Meanwhile, Synergy's Roxanne had reached her limit with Andrea and confronted both her and her supporters before finishing the clip the way she envisioned it.

At the presentation to the Norwegian Cruise Line executives, Synergy's crisp and informative approach clearly outshined Gold Rush's somewhat confusing and overly artistic version, resulting in an easy win for Roxanne's team.

As a reward, Synergy was taken to a secret vault where Brinks keeps over $100 million worth of diamonds and each given a $30,000 diamond souvenir which was certainly one of the most tangible rewards given out over the course of the multiple The Apprentice seasons.

In the boardroom, things quickly became heated when The Donald questioned why Leslie Bourgeois, who has a media background, was not utilized much on the project. The question led to a shouting match between Leslie, Lee, and Lenny against Dan and Tarek -- an outburst that ultimately prompted Carolyn to point out they were all "acting like 10-year-olds."

Despite the fact that over the course of the initial session it became clear that The Donald had issues with not only Dan, but also Tarek, Lenny and to a lesser extent Leslie as well, when it came time to select who was to return for the final boardroom session, Dan selected Lee and his friend and supporter Tarek to return with him.

In the final boardroom, The Donald primarily dressed down Dan for not bringing back Lenny, the person responsible for the confusing castaway idea that the cruise line executives had panned. Despite Dan's efforts to paint Lee as a do nothing brownnoser -- a fact that The Donald didn't necessarily disagree with although he prefer to call him a "politician" -- the loss of the task kept coming back to Lenny and, in his absence Dan, a development which eventually resulted in Dan becoming the sixth person fired from this season's The Apprentice.