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The Biggest Loser 1 - Episode 4 Summary

'Stairway to Heart Attack' By SilverStar
Original Airdate: November 16, 2004

Last week on The Biggest Loser, the 10 remaining contestants were faced with a truly evil challenge: in order to make a phone call to their families, they had to break their diets and eat a gi-normous cinnamon roll. However, everyone resisted temptation and they were each rewarded with an emotional 5 minute phone call home. Then, to continue the evilness, each team had to make up a song and dance routine and perform it in front of a live audience. They were given the moniker of “Overweight Popstars.” Way to keep up the humiliation NBC! At the weigh in, thanks to the big numbers put up by Matt, the red team was the biggest loser of the week, defeating the blue crew by a staggering 25 pounds. Then in the WTF? Move Of The Week, the blue team eliminated Aaron, who had lost the most weight on their team to date. Hmmmm, interesting strategy, no?

Roll Credits!
I love this opening theme song don’t you? It makes me want to dance… but not in front of a live audience.

This week, the show starts off with the blue team coming back after elimination. Gary is seriously peeved at Mo for voting off Aaron. He says that Mo stabbed him in the back because they had an alliance and had agreed to vote off Andrea. Gary is steaming mad – giving Mo the evil eye and shaking his head in disbelief. Kelly is shocked because she thought that she would for sure be the one going home. I must say, I agree with Gary on this one. It was a stupid thing for them to vote Aaron off, and now it will be very hard for them to bounce back with the team in so much turmoil and without the person who consistently put up the big numbers.

The next morning, the blue team’s trainer Bob shows up at the house. He takes a quick scan of the room and realizes that Aaron has been voted off. This? is what he looks like . The very first words out of his mouth are “What’s Kelly doing here?” After he said that, this? is what I looked like . If I were Kelly, I would have jumped up off that couch and kicked him in the ba… umm, slapped him in the face. He is supposed to be supporting this team, not making them feel like they shouldn’t be there. I had always like Bob in the past but now, not so much. He drones on and on about how shocked he is and how they made such a mistake. He says that they are going to have to step it up and work twice as hard now. Gee, thanks for pointing out the blatantly obvious, Bobby. Apparently he then decided that alienating Kelly was not good enough, so he turns his focus to Mo. He tells him that he isn’t a team player, he’s not working hard enough, he hasn’t learned anything, and he’s not committed enough. All the while Bob is going off on him, Mo sits there eating what appears to be a big plate of bacon and eggs. Bob tells us that the sound of the fork scraping and scratching the plate was driving him crazy and I have to agree with him here. It was very stupid of Mo to be eating that food at all, let alone in front of your trainer, and even worse when he’s yelling at you!

After that fun-filled meeting, Bob takes the blue crew to a stadium to run up and down the bleacher stairs. Andrea, Kelly and Gary are running their butts off (quite literally) while Mo stands by on the sidelines, unable to participate because of an ankle injury. Running the stairs has also taken a toll on Gary’s knee, but he doesn’t give up even though he is hobbling very badly. Bob works them to the point of exhaustion, and then decides that now would be a good time to further lower moral, so he pulls the girls aside and continues to berate them for voting Aaron off. Please note: I said he took the girls aside. He didn’t ask to talk to Mo as well, who also voted for Aaron. My hatred for Bob is growing more and more by the second. Kelly and Andrea have now broken down crying and Bob still persists in harping on them. When is he going to realize that he should be moving past this and trying to build the team back up instead of continuing to tear them down?? Now, both girls feel that Bob is disappointed that they are still in the game. Gary tries to console them and tell them that they all deserve to be there, but I’m not sure the girls believe him.

After the first commercial break, we finally get to see what’s going on with the red team. Jillian (the trainer) is concerned that the girls aren’t eating enough. She says that eating less is not the way to lose weight. Umm, isn’t your diet called the EAT LESS diet? These trainers are psychos!

The teams are in the exercise room working hard and both the trainers tell us that even though there are some injured people, they can work around that. For those of you keeping score, here’s the injury list
Blue: Mo has a bad ankle and Gary has a bum knee.
Red: Kelly and Dave both have foot/ankle problems.
Now, I’m sitting here thinking that maybe they shouldn’t have been pushed to the point that they get injured. I can see how 1 or 2 people might have problems working out when they’re not used to it, but 2 people on each team? I don’t think these trainers or NBC really care about the contestants at all. Each week they seem to be torturing and humiliating them more and more.

As proof to my point, here’s the next evil challenge! The contestants enter the house to find a mountain of cupcakes and whoever eats the most will win a romantic date with a loved one. They have 15 minutes to decide what they are going to do. Everyone wants to win this challenge, not only to see someone from home, but to partake in the deliciousness that is cupcakes as well. They try to work out a plan that is fair to everyone and will not make them break their diets by eating a truckload of cupcakes. Ryan comes up with the idea to put scraps of paper in a bowl and have everyone draw one. Whoever picks the paper with the black dot on it gets to eat 1 cupcake and win the challenge. Great idea Ryan! They put the papers in a bowl and … Dave is the big winner! He eats his cupcake as the rest watch in agony. As the 15 minutes winds down, Mo is considering going up and wolfing down 2 cupcakes because it is his girlfriend’s birthday and also, he loves him some cupcakes. He approaches the table and picks up one up. Everyone looks like this . Thankfully, Mo decides he doesn’t want to cheat on his diet and replaces the cupcake. Phew, I really thought he was going to do it!

Dave’s date with his wife Tia is pretty uneventful. She tells him he looks great and they exchange muchas smooches.

After another commercial break, we move on to the next evil challenge. (Seriously, is Landru putting these challenges together? )The teams are going to race up 74 flights of stairs in the tallest building west of the Mississippi! My legs hurt just thinking about it. Since the red team has an extra player, whoever wins this challenge will get to decide who must sit out of the weigh in. The 4 injured people won’t be able to participate in this challenge, which leaves Kelly and Andrea for the blue team and Lisa, Ryan and Matt for the red team. To make it fair, Lisa picks a card to determine which red player will sit out the challenge so that there are only 2 people on each team. Ryan is the lucky guy. Lisa is pissed that it wasn’t her and Matt is worried because he can usually only do about 15 flights.

Caroline Rhea starts the race and both teams start out really well, running up the stairs at full speed. I? am impressed! I know it’s a race, but I thought they would just walk it to make sure they had enough energy to finish. By the 14th floor, the blue team has slowed to a walk, and a shot of the red team shows that they are on the 19th floor, but have also slowed their pace. Lisa is bent over and walking the stairs on all fours. All the team members are encouraging each other and providing support. Cut to a shot of the non-participating team members taking a leisurely elevator ride to the top. Evil I tells ya, pure evil!

The red team is now on the 25th floor where they get a water break. Blue is on 19. After another few minutes, team blue is still about 5 flights behind, but on the 34th floor Lisa from the red team starts to freak out. She is having trouble breathing, but instead of sitting down and trying to catch her breath, she starts moaning and wailing and crying and working herself into even more of a frenzy. Matt is being very supportive, trying to cool her down by fanning her and telling her to calm down, but to no avail. Lisa has a complete breakdown and the paramedics are called in. They say she must be taken to the hospital. This produces even more wailing and crying as she protests that she can’t go because she must finish the challenge. Yeah, two minutes ago she was saying she couldn’t do anymore.

Meanwhile, the blue team has reached the 55th floor! Andrea comments that she thinks the task is getting easier. Kelly makes a very odd face which kind of resembles a smile and looks a little like this . Now this is not something I would normally say, but I think it is appropriate at this point in time. *clears throat* YOU GO GIRLS!

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