Big Brother live feed spoilers have revealed which Season 19 houseguest won the Power of Veto competition, and which players are this week's final eviction nominees as a result.

[Spoiler Warning: Please stop reading now if you want to wait until Big Brother's August 2 episode to discover who won the Power of Veto competition and what happened afterwards].

According to Big Brother's live feeds, this week's Head of Household, Paul Abrahamian, and the three nominees -- Jessica Graf, Cody Nickson, and Jason Dent -- played in the Power of Veto competition along with selected players Kevin Schlehuber and Raven Walton.

Christmas Abbott hosted the competition.

Paul had nominated Jessica and Cody for eviction assuming they were bluffing about "The Halting Hex" temptation in which Jessica said she and Cody would be safe for several weeks. (The Halting Hex only allows Jessica to put a stop to one eviction in the next couple of weeks to ensure her safety and/or an ally's safety).

On the off-chance Jessica and Cody were telling the truth about their advantage, Paul wanted to expose its details to the whole house.

Jason is a special third nomination this week as a consequence for finishing the previous "Temptation Competition" in last place. Mark Jansen won that competition and therefore has immunity this week.

Going into the Power of Veto competition, Jessica revealed that neither Cody or herself studied because they didn't need to win the veto.

Jessica kept insisting to the whole that this week is going to be a wash because Cody and herself are safe, so she mocked the players who studied hard for the competition.

In the end, Paul won the Power of Veto competition dubbed "BB Storm Watch," which required each houseguest to read a weather report off a TelePrompTer while wind and rain was raging.

Paul won this competition last season, so his victory didn't come as much of a surprise.

At first, Paul discussed wanting to save Jessica from the chopping block as a way to convince her not to use her "Halting Hex" temptation. In that case, Paul would name Elena Davies as her replacement nominee.

However, talks shifted. At the Veto Meeting, Paul decided to use the veto on Jason, removing him from the chopping block. Because Jason was saved, Paul did not have to name a replacement nominee.

The house was split on whether Jessica was going to use "The Halting Hex." Josh Martinez and Jason assumed Jessica was going to use it since she wasn't taking her nomination seriously, but Alex Ow and Paul disagreed.

Jessica told Cody that if they used the Hex, they'd have to win all the competitions next week or else their time in the Big Brother house would be over. Jessica was more than ready to save Cody and herself, but at the same time, she wondered if Cody really wanted to be there.

Jessica therefore felt Cody out on whether he was ready to leave. Cody told his girlfriend that he will absolutely become Head of Household next week. Jessica mentioned how they should nominate Raven and Alex for eviction next week with the intention of backdooring Paul.

Paul declared war on Jessica and Cody and decided he was going to try to make Cody miserable so that he would flip out and lose his cool.

Paul thought that if Cody blew up and cracked emotionally, Jessica would feel forced to send Cody packing and therefore not use "The Halting Hex."

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.