Final Reprisal

Final Reprisal Information

Final Reprisal is a 1988 action film, starring Gary Daniels (in his first starring role) and James Gaines. It was shot in the Philippines, and released directly-to-video in the mid 1988.


Seargant David Callahan leads a task force of U.S. Marines "? including his best friend and homosexual lover Charles Murphy "? sent in behind enemy lines to perform a secret mission. The mission becames a failure, when commandos kills daughter of powerful Captain Vinai. Five years later Callahan lives in Thailand, and works as a secret adviser of the Thai Special Forces. Unfinished feuds from Callahan's past return, and soldier is forced to come back to the Vietnamese P.O.W. camp he escaped years before, then fight off a deadly duel.


  • Gary Daniels as Seargant David Callahan
  • James Gaines as Charles Murphy
  • David Light as Douglas Anderson
  • Richard King as Captain Vinai
  • Protacio Dee as Tran Van Phu
  • Oscar Daniels as The Colonel
  • Hassim Hassam as El Chameleon

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