Andi Mack

Andi Mack Brief Information

Andi Mack is an American family comedy-drama television series created by Terri Minsky that premiered on Disney Channel on April 7, 2017. The series stars Peyton Elizabeth Lee, Joshua Rush, Sofia Wylie, Asher Angel, Lilan Bowden, Lauren Tom, and Trent Garrett. It follows 13-year-old Andi Mack and her best friends, Cyrus Goodman and Buffy Driscoll, as they attend middle school.

Andi Mack is the top-rated series on cable television among children ages 6-14. It is the first series on Disney Channel to feature a gay middle school boy, Cyrus Goodman, as one of its main characters, a distinction that has drawn considerable media attention and was reported in the news as being historic. The series has been nominated for and won awards for his coming out storyline, the introduction of which caused a ratings surge.

Andi Mack News

• Disney Channel's 'Andi Mack' ending with Season 3
• Zachary Levi explores his super powers in first 'Shazam!' movie trailer

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