Madison Prewett

Madison Prewett Biography

Madison Prewett is a 23-year-old foster parent recruiter from Auburn, AL.

ABC Biography

She shoots! SHE SCORES! That is something Madison is used to hearing.

This Alabama cutie not only helped lead her high school basketball team to four state championships, she was also once named state MVP thanks to her unstoppable jump shot.

She credits a lot of her success to her dad who coached her and always encouraged her to dream big.

While basketball has always been her first love, she knows that it can't give her everything she needs, and at 23, Madison is more than ready to find her forever.

She's looking for a man who will prioritize faith and family before everything else.

She is hoping to find someone who shares the same religious values that she and her family have. He also MUST want children and know how to have fun.

Her dream is to travel the world and spread love through missionary work.

Madison has high expectations, but she's hopeful that one day, she'll board a plane and sitting next to her will be the man of her dreams.

Maybe she should check the cockpit instead!

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