Saving Lincoln

Saving Lincoln Brief Information

Saving Lincoln is a dramatic biographical film planned for release on February 13, 2013. It tells the little-known story of Ward Hill Lamon, who was Abraham Lincoln's law partner in Danville, Illinois from 1852 until 1857. Lamon accompanied Lincoln to Washington and served as the President's main bodyguard during the Civil War, thwarting several assassination attempts while holding the post of US Marshal. Lincoln considered Lamon a close friend, and Lamon felt likewise. Lincoln sent Lamon to Richmond, Virginia, on Reconstruction business a few days before April 14, 1865, the day that John Wilkes Booth assassinated the President.

The film was shot on a green screen stage, with a technique known as "CineCollage" used to create interior and exterior locations. Actors, extras, furniture, and props were filmed and combined with period photographs via the CineCollage process, which relied on off-the-shelf visual effects tools. The end result was a stylized look that works hand-in-hand with the movie's narrative structure, which involves Lamon's personal recollections of his friend. This was the first time such a technique was used to create an entire feature film.

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