My Generation

My Generation Brief Information

My Generation is an American mockumentary television series that aired on the ABC network in the fall of 2010. The one-hour comedy-drama, produced by ABC Studios, follows a group of high school classmates in Austin, Texas in 2000, then revisits them ten years after graduation. The series premiered on September 23, 2010, and was canceled by ABC on October 1 due to the first two episodes' poor ratings.

My Generation News

• 'Last Resort' and '666 Park Avenue' canceled by ABC
• Leeza Gibbons and beau Steven Fenton married by her daughters
• ABC cancels 'My Generation' due to low ratings after two episodes
• Queen honors The Who's Roger Daltrey

This webpage uses material from the Wikipedia article "My_Generation_%28TV_series%29" and is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. Reality TV World is not responsible for any errors or omissions the Wikipedia article may contain.




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