Marvin Kalb

Marvin Kalb Brief Biography

Marvin Kalb
Marvin L. Kalb (born June 9, 1930) is an American journalist. Kalb was the Shorenstein Center's Founding Director and Edward R. Murrow Professor of Press and Public Policy (1987"1999). The Shorenstein Center and the Kennedy School are part of Harvard University. He is currently a James Clark Welling Fellow at The George Washington University and a member of Atlantic Community Advisory Board. He is a Guest Scholar in Foreign Policy at The Brookings Institution.

Kalb spent 30 years as an award-winning reporter for CBS News and NBC News. Kalb was the last newsman recruited by Edward R. Murrow to join CBS News, becoming part of the later generation of the "Murrow's Boys." His work at CBS landed him on Richard Nixon's "enemies list". At NBC, he served as chief Diplomatic Correspondent and host of Meet the Press. During many years of Kalb's tenures at CBS and NBC, his brother Bernard worked alongside him.

Marvin Kalb News

• The Almanac for June 9, the 160th day of 2019
• The Almanac for June 9, the 160th day of 2017
• Stacey Dash's contract not renewed by Fox News

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