Head Cases

Head Cases Brief Information

Head Cases is an American primetime comedy-drama television program, best known as the first show cancelled for the 2005"2006 season. It was broadcast by FOX and premiered on September 14, 2005. It was cancelled after two episodes on September 22 after disastrous ratings and critical drubbing.

The program starred Chris O'Donnell as Jason Payne, who was a superstar attorney at a prestigious law firm until his career put a strain on his marriage. Eventually, Payne had a nervous breakdown and was sent to a "wellness center" where he recovered. Upon leaving the center, Payne's therapist "buddied him up" with another patient and lawyer, Russell Shultz (played by Adam Goldberg), who suffered from explosive disorder. As Payne's world continued to crumble around him, he found that his only friend seems to be Shultz. Ultimately, Payne and Shultz decided to open a law firm of their own.

Head Cases News

• NBC pulls low-rated 'Inconceivable' drama, shuts down production
• Fox's 'Head Cases' becomes the fall TV season's first cancellation

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