Free for All

Free for All Brief Information

Free for All is a 2003 animated series that aired on Showtime. The series was created by Brett Merhar. Set in Colorado, It followed the day-to-day life of Johnny Jenkins, an innocent 19-year-old college kid who has to deal with a bitter, cigarette smoking grandmother and a coarse, sometimes-violent, alcoholic father, in a rather dysfunctional family while his friend, Clay, is living large with the settlement money he got from suing a taco restaurant for personal injuries. In America, the series was rated TV-MA for explicit sexual content, including nudity and scenes of sexual intercourse (S), extremely offensive language (L), and adult content (AD on Showtime's content warning screen).

The show was developed for television by Merriwether Williams, the head writer for the first four seasons of SpongeBob SquarePants. The show lasted for only seven episodes that aired over the summer of 2003, the last ending on a cliff-hanger. Despite favorable to mixed reviews from critics, the show had very low ratings, due to poor promotion and basing the series on an already-unsuccessful property. Showtime cancelled the animated series shortly after the last episode aired. Though the series is now considered "obscure" and no DVD release has been planned for it, the entire series is legally available on iTunes and

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