Dark Angel

Dark Angel Brief Information

Dark Angel is an American biopunk/cyberpunk science fiction television series created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee. The show premiered in the United States on the Fox network on October 3, 2000, and was canceled after two seasons. Set in a post-apocalyptic Seattle, the show chronicles the life of Max Guevara (X5-452), a genetically enhanced super-soldier, portrayed by Jessica Alba as an adult and Geneva Locke as a child, who, after escaping from a covert government biotech/military facility as a child, tries to lead some semblance of a normal life and constantly tries to elude capture by government agents, while searching for her genetically-enhanced brothers and sisters scattered in the aftermath of their escape.

The program is set in Seattle, Washington, and was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, at Lions Gate Studios.

Dark Angel News

• Jessica Alba to have "surprising turn" on CBS All Access' 'No Activity' series
• Jessica Alba celebrates daughter Honor's 9th birthday: "My sweet angel"
• Joanne Froggatt's 'Dark Angel' to premiere May 21 on PBS
• Jessica Alba on her daughters: "They just melt my heart and soul"

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