Lizzie Muse

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Lizzie Muse

Lizzie Muse

Rose Marie Cromwell

Married at First Sight: Honeymoon Island cast member Lizzie Muse

Lizzie Muse is a 30-year-old Kundalini yoga teacher from Boston, MA

After striking out on dating sites and apps, Lizzie decided to hire a dating coach. Since her dating coach was unable to find her a partner, she jumped when Married at First Sight presented itself in Boston for Season 6.

Unfortunately, the panel of experts was unable to find a match for Lizzie, but she firmly believes that the universe has presented her with a second opportunity of a lifetime on Honeymoon Island.

She can be herself and go full-throttle with her heart on her sleeve in her dream atmosphere: the beautiful outdoors with new people and exciting adventures!

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