HOME > Reality TV People News - November 2002

Reality TV People News - November 2002

  • 'Bachelor' Aaron Buerge: "Brooke was naive"

    November 21, 2002
    "Extra" reports that Aaron Buerge of ABC's "The Bachelor" says his mind was made up regarding who to ask to marry him when he took runnerup Brooke Smith home to mom and dad. He says, "For whatever reason, when we were sitting there eating dinner with my family, she came across as a little naïve. Helene knows what she wants."
  • 'Bachelor' Aaron Buerge & Helene Eksterowicz plan "lengthy engagement" -- starting with a long-distance relationship

    November 21, 2002
    Although millions of viewers saw Aaron Beurge choose Helene Eksterowicz as his bride on Wednesday's finale of "The Bachelor," on Thursday the couple told ABCNEWS' Good Morning America that they would have a very lengthy engagement. "We're not going to Vegas next weekend, or anything like that... I don't think people should be in a rush to walk down the aisle," said Buerge, a 28-year-old banker from Springfield, Montana. "We're going to be diligent and take our sweet time to get to know each other better," he said.


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