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Reality TV Episode Summaries (Recent)

  • Survivor China - Episode 12 summary

    December 16, 2007
    "Think About Something Else and Shove It Down," our episode summary for the twelfth episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by Outfrontgirl, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 11 summary

    December 9, 2007
    "A Tsunami of Tears Flow," our episode summary for the eleventh episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by strid333, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 12 - Episode 3 summary

    November 22, 2007
    "Don't Cry, Whine, Scream, Kick, Etc. Over Spilled Milk!!!," our episode summary for the third episode of The Amazing Race 12, the twelfth edition of The Amazing Race, written by ARnutz, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 9 summary

    November 17, 2007
    "Someone Get That Girl A Sandwich," our episode summary for the ninth episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by Snidget, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 12 - Episode 2 summary

    November 15, 2007
    "Spreading Horror Around the World," our episode summary for the second episode of The Amazing Race 12, the twelfth edition of The Amazing Race, written by michel, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 8 summary

    November 10, 2007
    "The Best Player in the Game," our episode summary for the eighth episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by michel, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race 12 - Episode 1 summary

    November 8, 2007
    "Let's Hear It For The Donkeys!," our episode summary for the first episode of The Amazing Race 12, the twelfth edition of The Amazing Race, written by Breezy, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 7 summary

    November 6, 2007
    "Dumb and Dumb Bunnies," our episode summary for the seventh episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by kircon, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 6 summary

    October 28, 2007
    "Charmin, Idols and birds...Oh my!" -- our episode summary for the sixth episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor -- written by bdemoney, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 4 summary

    October 14, 2007
    "What's in a Bio?" our episode summary for the fourth episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by Aruba, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 3 summary

    October 7, 2007
    "Boats, Blades, and Blabbermouths, Oh My!," our episode summary for the third episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by vince3, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 2 summary

    September 30, 2007
    "Over the Top and Pixelated Out," our episode summary for the second episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by zipperhead, is now available.
  • Survivor China - Episode 1 summary

    September 26, 2007
    "Me Zhan Hu Long Time!!," our episode summary for the first episode of Survivor: China, the fifteenth edition of Survivor, written by frisky, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 10 summary

    August 8, 2007
    "The Almost Finale," our episode summary for the tenth episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by Cyndimaus, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 9 summary

    August 3, 2007
    "Three Mums and a Baby," our episode summary for the ninth episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by bystander, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 8 summary

    July 26, 2007
    "The Suspense is Killing Me," our episode summary for the eighth episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by Seana, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 7 summary

    July 20, 2007
    "Destiny's Child Chef," our episode summary for the seventh episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by Snidget, is now available.
  • Big Brother 8 - Episode 5 summary

    July 17, 2007
    "Jen Jrother," our episode summary for the fifth episode of Big Brother 8, the eighth edition of CBS' Big Brother reality series, written by FishWoman, is now available.
  • Big Brother 8 - Episode 4 summary

    July 15, 2007
    "We've Only Just Begun? Oh Brother!," our episode summary for the fourth episode of Big Brother 8, the eighth edition of CBS' Big Brother reality series, written by vince3, is now available.
  • Big Brother 8 - Episode 3 summary

    July 12, 2007
    "Jentreme Hide and Seek," our episode summary for the third episode of Big Brother 8, the eighth edition of CBS' Big Brother reality series, written by oasisfan1994, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 6 summary

    July 12, 2007
    "Bonnie Get Your Groove On," our episode summary for the sixth episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by bullzeye, is now available.
  • Big Brother 8 - Episode 2 summary

    July 10, 2007
    "Ode to an Oven Mitt," our episode summary for the second episode of Big Brother 8, the eighth edition of CBS' Big Brother reality series, written by bdemoney, is now available.
  • Big Brother 8 - Episode 1 summary

    July 9, 2007
    "But First...," our episode summary for the first episode of Big Brother 8, the eighth edition of CBS' Big Brother reality series, written by cahaya, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 4 summary

    June 30, 2007
    "A Unique Dining Experience," our episode summary for the fourth episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by Silvergirl1, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 3 summary

    June 21, 2007
    "Who's the Leader?," our episode summary for the third episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by Seana, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 2 summary

    June 13, 2007
    "The Mouse That Forgot to Roar," our episode summary for the second episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by Silvergirl1, is now available.
  • Hell's Kitchen 3 - Episode 1 summary

    June 9, 2007
    "Welcome to Gordon's Nightmare," our episode summary for the first episode of Hell's Kitchen 3, the third edition of Gordon Ramsey's Hell's Kitchen reality series, written by mysticwolf, is now available.
  • Survivor Fiji - Episode 11 summary

    April 29, 2007
    "A Tale of Two Twitties," our episode summary for the eleventh episode of Survivor: Fiji, the fourteenth edition of Survivor, written by Sunny_Bunny, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 11 summary

    April 29, 2007
    "For The Second Week In A Row," our episode summary for the eleventh episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by samboohoo, is now available.
  • Survivor Fiji - Episode 10 summary

    April 20, 2007
    "It's a Turtle!," our episode summary for the tenth episode of Survivor: Fiji, the fourteenth edition of Survivor, written by michel, is now available.
  • Top Model 8 - Episode 9 summary

    April 19, 2007
    "Australia's Next Top Correspondent," our episode summary for the ninth episode of America's Next Top Model - Cycle 8, the eighth edition of America's Next Top Model series, written by Belinda James, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 10 summary

    April 18, 2007
    "Every Bunny was Kung-Fu Fighting," our episode summary for the tenth episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by strid333, is now available.
  • Survivor Fiji - Episode 9 summary

    April 15, 2007
    "Shattered Dreamz," our episode summary for the ninth episode of Survivor: Fiji, the fourteenth edition of Survivor, written by Aruba, is now available.
  • Top Model 8 - Episode 8 summary

    April 11, 2007
    "Character Assassination," our episode summary for the eighth episode of America's Next Top Model - Cycle 8, the eighth edition of America's Next Top Model series, written by Belinda James, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 9 summary

    April 11, 2007
    "Dirty Pirate Hookers Do Malaysia," our episode summary for the ninth episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by emydi, is now available.
  • Survivor Fiji - Episode 8 summary

    April 9, 2007
    "Dancing with the 'Tards," our episode summary for the eighth episode of Survivor: Fiji, the fourteenth edition of Survivor, written by Draco Malfoy, is now available.
  • Top Model 8 - Episode 7 summary

    April 5, 2007
    "Who Am I?," our episode summary for the seventh episode of America's Next Top Model - Cycle 8, the eighth edition of America's Next Top Model series, written by Dalia Jones, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 8 summary

    April 4, 2007
    "Sausage, Stairs and Armor: A Tale of Vomit and Valor," our episode summary for the eighth episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by Cyndimaus, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 7 summary

    April 4, 2007
    "Jet Lag," our episode summary for the seventh episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by ARnutz, is now available.
  • Survivor Fiji - Episode 7 summary

    March 31, 2007
    "Fireballs, Bowling Balls, PiƱatas and Jury Seats," our episode summary for the seventh episode of Survivor: Fiji, the fourteenth edition of Survivor, written by vince3, is now available.
  • Top Model 8 - Episode 6 summary

    March 29, 2007
    "Cross Dressing Divas," our episode summary for the sixth episode of America's Next Top Model - Cycle 8, the eighth edition of America's Next Top Model series, written by Belinda James, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 6 summary

    March 28, 2007
    "This Race is on Standby," our episode summary for the sixth episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by michel, is now available.
  • Survivor Fiji - Episode 6 summary

    March 25, 2007
    "I'll Train My Puppy If You Train Rocky," our episode summary for the sixth episode of Survivor: Fiji, the fourteenth edition of Survivor, written by kircon, is now available.
  • Top Model 8 - Episode 5 summary

    March 22, 2007
    "Living Dead Strike A Pose," our episode summary for the fifth episode of America's Next Top Model - Cycle 8, the eighth edition of America's Next Top Model series, written by Belinda James, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 5 summary

    March 20, 2007
    "Hey Dude? Where's the Jokes?," our episode summary for the fifth episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by Breezy, is now available.
  • Top Model 8 - Episode 4 summary

    March 15, 2007
    "Tyra Cuts All Eleven!!!," our episode summary for the fourth episode of America's Next Top Model - Cycle 8, the eighth edition of America's Next Top Model series, written by Belinda James, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 4 summary

    March 14, 2007
    "It's Not The End Of The World," our episode summary for the fourth episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by Jims02, is now available.
  • Survivor Fiji - Episode 5 summary

    March 9, 2007
    "Rocky XIV: Love Many, Trust Few, Do Wrong to No One," our episode summary for the fifth episode of Survivor: Fiji, the fourteenth edition of Survivor, written by PepeLePew13, is now available.
  • Top Model 8 - Episode 3 summary

    March 8, 2007
    "Bumper Broads," our episode summary for the third episode of America's Next Top Model - Cycle 8, the eighth edition of America's Next Top Model series, written by Belinda James, is now available.
  • The Amazing Race: All-Stars - Episode 3 summary

    March 8, 2007
    "It's Been a Nerve Wracking Day," our episode summary for the third episode of The Amazing Race: All-Stars, the eleventh edition of The Amazing Race, written by dajaki, is now available.


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