NBC has announced that for the second time in the last two weeks, it has changed the premiere date of its upcoming Average Joe 4: The Joes Strike Back series. Despite last week's announcement that it had decided to move Average Joe 4's debut up a week to June 21, NBC has now reversed the decision, deciding instead to move the show's premiere back to its originally planned Tuesday, June 28 at 8PM ET/PT launch


The move marks yet the latest in change in the broadcast schedule of the long-delayed six-episode fourth installment of the series. First announced in May 2004, Average Joe 4 originally featured a different subtitle -- Average Jane, in which average looking women would compete for the affection of a hunky guy -- and was scheduled to air as part of NBC's Fall 2004 broadcast schedule.

However despite its May announcement, the network later abruptly changed its fall schedule in July, deciding to bump Average Joe 4: Average Jane to midseason and instead broadcast another hastily-assembled edition of its then-popular Last Comic Standing series. After that, the Average Jane concept never advanced beyond its casting call phase, with the NBC instead deciding to table the concept in favor of another The Bachelorette-like edition of the series. Asked about the show's status last month, an NBC spokesperson told Reality TV World that it's "on the backburner for now."

Anna Chudoba, a beautiful red-headed 26-year-old model and UNLV business management graduate (and former Fear Factor contestant) who was born in Poland and raised in Las Vegas, will follow in the stiletto footsteps of first and second season Average Joe bachelorettes Melana Scantlin and Larissa Meek and star in Average Joe 4 . In addition to numerous print ads, commercials, conventions, and promotions, Anna has also competed in the Miss Hawaiian Tropics national competition and appeared in 98 Degrees' "The Hardest Thing" and Sting's "Desert Rose" music videos. Just like Melana and Larissa, Anna thought she was going to be participating in a traditional reality-dating show and was surprised to discover that her suitors would include eighteen average-looking but big-hearted guys.

While NBC is keeping mum about most of Average Joe 4's twists and turns, it has disclosed that in addition to competing with each other, Anna's average joes will also have to compete with seven strikingly handsome hunks who are confident that Anna will only have eyes for them. Beyond the surprise inclusion of the joes, Average Joe 4 will also feature surprise visitors for both Anna and her joes, a romantic getaway to Tahiti, and the premiere's return of three of the series' most popular former joes.