Christy Smith, who became known as the "Deaf Survivor" on her way to a sixth-place finish during Survivor: The Amazon, is currently working to develop a new series with Colorado PBS Television focused on sign language, natural surroundings and achievement ... in short, a children's version of Christy's time on Survivor, minus the closet nudists. According to Christy's website, the show, tentatively titled Christy's Kids: Challenge Yourself, will teach about "the environment, safety, and adventure" while also teaching signing "the same way Sesame Street teaches ABC's." Currently, Christy and PBS are soliciting sponsors to underwrite the production coats.


We wish Christy and Colorado PBS Television the best of luck in finding enough sponsors to permit Challenge Yourself to become a national PBS offering. However, we feel compelled to note that it might help if the name of the show was spelled correctly in the promotional slide show.