A lack of confidence can cost you in life -- and Sarah, a 22-year-old waitress from Baltimore, MD became the latest person to learn that lesson, becoming the second finalist to be eliminated from the fourth edition of America's Next Top Model during last night's UPN broadcast.


Top Model 4's third episode began with the thirteen remaining girls traveling to a nearby football stadium where they discovered that expert-runway trainer J. Alexander would be using the lines on the field to help them perfect their walks. While several of the girls seemed to have difficulty, J. noticed that Sarah stood out as particularly awkward. "I want you to be one of God's extra special children," J. admonished, "because you need the help."

Having seen their initial struts, J. then began to teach the girls how to walk gracefully using runway accessories while walking down stairs in high-heeled shoes. Once again, Sarah's lack of confidence caused her to stand out from the other girls. "I feel like I'm watching a race between the tortoise and the hare, and Sarah, you are the tortoise," J said.

Returning home after the training session, the girls received another Tyra Mail telling them to be ready to hit the road at 6:45AM the next morning. Arriving at a K-Mart early the following morning, the girls discovered they would face off against one another in a "runway challenge duel" judged by J. and modeling/talent scout Sandi Bass. Yet again, Sarah's self-consciousness appeared to overcome her, with J. barking "I need more spunk" as he eliminated her from the challenge that Rebecca would eventually win.

Travelling to Los Angeles's Griffith Park the next morning, the girls where greeted by photo shoot director Jay Manuel, who explained that they were going to take some photos for a 1-800-Flowers.com ad that would also feature handsome flower salesman, a flower bouquet and -- as their Tyra Mail had teased the prior evening -- "10 other bitches" (dogs.) While many of the girls appeared to have improved their skills, Top Model's producers made sure to make it clear that Sarah's performance was once again perceived to be lacking, with Jay commenting that "Sarah is acting like a piece of driftwood."


Arriving at the evening's elimination ceremony, the models were given a potato sack and challenged to walk the runway in their best attempt to make it seem high fashion. While the walks went fine, the judge's subsequent evaluation of their performances featured some unexpected drama, with Rebecca passing out due to a chronic intermittent malfunctioning nerve issue that she'd had since she was age 3. In the end, a quick trip to the hospital pronounced Rebecca fine to continue -- however the judges didn't feel the same about Sarah, deciding that although Sarah's picture was one of the strongest the week prior, her continued lack of confidence had singled her out for elimination.

"We feel you melting. We see such a strong face. We wonder if this girl can see her loveliness, if she believes in it... because if you don't believe, we don't believe," commented Tyra.