Coupled featured the established pairs going on individual dates for the first time, which resulted in some couples crumbling, during Tuesday night's penultimate broadcast on Fox.


The Coupled broadcast began with Alexandra "Alex" Clark saying how her new partner Jeffrey Blockson has a lot of qualities she liked. She thought he was handsome, intelligent and treated women with respect. It didn't hurt Jeffrey was very romantic. The pair started liking each other more and more every day.

Meanwhile, 29-year-old Alicia Blanco felt great about her relationship with 24-year-old Tyler Gattuso except for the fact he's five years younger and maybe not as mature. However, she loved his sense of humor and they got along well. Tyler could also see them furthering their connection in the real world after the show.

Each couple got to embark on an individual date in this episode, whether it be boating, fishing, drinking cocktails and having lunch, paddleboarding and ATVing. It was a chance for the couples to spend some time alone and away from a group setting.

Ben Rosenfield thought Lisa Rotondi was amazing and sexy, however, he was concerned about connecting with her on an intellectual and emotional level. Meanwhile, Alex Lagemann commented how it's "mind-blowing" how much his relationship with Lindsey Tuer had grown.


Brian "BT" Urruela called Ashley Reitz his "rock" and said nothing ever felt forced between them. She's also apparently waiting until marriage to have sex, which he found incredibly special. BT admitted he'd probably put a ring on it sooner because of that, but he's looking forward to sharing that moment with her.

Although Brandon Smith was convinced his "player days" were over and Terecia "TT" Baker could be the one for him, the pair bickered nonstop on their individual date. They argued about how Brandon would like to be on his phone when watching a television show with TT of her choice, which TT found unacceptable. She said a relationship is all about compromise, but Brandon didn't seem game for that.

Brandon and TT, who thought her man accused her of being too sensitive, continued to butt heads that night, and they both began questioning whether they were right for each other.

BT and Ashley also had a tense conversation but about an entirely different topic. BT opened up about having watched a friend of his die in the military. BT explained he has moments of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but instead of feeling more connected to him, Ashley became wary she could help him. 

Back at the Couples' Villas, Jeffrey planned a special outdoor-beach "glamping" date for Alexandra, which is a glamorous form of camping. She appreciated the gesture, but when it started to rain, she wanted to ditch the romantic setting and head indoors to sleep. Jeffrey was disappointed in how high maintenance Alexandra was being, and he was clearly turned off in that moment.


Later on, Alexandra could sense Jeffrey was upset, so they talked things out. Jeffrey explained he just wanted alone time with her so they could get to know each other better, and Alexandra understood, admitting it felt nice to feel wanted and appreciated. The couple ended their discussion with a kiss.

The episode concluded with TT and Brandon completely falling apart. While TT previously thought she was falling in love with Brandon, she didn't like how he was treating her. TT didn't want to cast her feelings aside just to make Brandon happy, but without her effort, Brandon shut down and felt disconnected.

Coupled will air its finale next Tuesday night at 9PM ET/PT on Fox.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.