Lindsey Cardinale is making her presence known.


The fourth-season American Idol contestant has signed a recording contract with Silvercreek Records. The label's president Stafond Seago has been managing Cardinale for a while and recently joined her band.

"I'm thrilled to be working with Lindsey," Seago said in a statement. "She's an amazing talent with a good fan base. I'm confident her popularity will take off, after she finishes her album later this year."

"I'm excited to be working with Silvercreek Records," Cardinale added. "It's an innovative record label with great ideas and a new vision."

After finishing Idol in twelfth place during the season when country star Carrie Underwood was crowned champion, Cardinale moved from Louisiana to Nashville. She spent the next 10 years writing lyrics and performing in contests for songwriters.


Seago plays the guitar for Cardinale's band. The other members of the Lindsey Cardinale Band -- also known as "LCB" -- are newcomer Jonathan Nuccio on drums, Augie King on bass and Kaleb Payne on lead guitar.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.