What do for the November sweeps ratings period if you're UPN, a network that has completely restructured itself around America's Next Top Model -- its most successful program -- and the young female demographic that the show attracts? You do the obvious and stack your programming lineup with guest appearances from publicity-starved former Top Model contestants, of course.


UPN has announced that it will kick off its November sweeps ratings programming with "Top Model Week," a week-long event that will feature Jay Manuel, J.Alexander, and contestants from the show's first five editions appearing on every UPN program except Everybody Hates Chris.

"Top Model Week" will begin on November 7 with former Top Model contestants appearing on all four of the sitcoms that comprise the network's Monday night programming lineup. Norelle Van Herk (Top Model 3) will guest star on One On One, followed by Mercedes Yvette (Top Model 2) on All Of Us, Toccara Jones (Top Model 3) on Girlfriends, and Keenyah Hill (Top Model 4) on Half & Half.

Since UPN currently has no regularly scheduled programming on Tuesdays (its new Sex, Love & Secrets drama was pulled after only a few weeks and Top Model repeats normally fill the earlier 8PM hour), there won't be any Tuesday night Top Model guest appearances, instead the network will air a Patti Labelle tribute special.

The sweeps event will resume with Wednesday's broadcast of Top Model 5's regularly scheduled episode, an episode that will feature a special guest appearance by Eva Pigford, Top Model 3's winner. That episode will also feature a challenge in which one of Top Model 5's remaining girls will win a guest appearance on Veronica Mars -- an appearance that will be part of the Veronica Mars episode that will air immediately after the Top Model 5 episode.


Everybody Hates Chris will launch UPN's Thursday night lineup, after which Brittany Brower (Top Model 4) will guest star on Love, Inc., followed by Jay Manuel on Eve and Top Model judge J. Alexander on Cuts.

Closing out the week will be former Top Model 4 contestant Michelle Deighton, a former wrestler who will make a guest appearance on UPN's Friday Night Smackdown broadcast.