Survivor: Kaoh Rong -- Brains vs. Brawn vs. Beauty's merged Dara tribe voted Scot Pollard out during Wednesday night's broadcast on CBS.


Scot, a 40-year-old former NBA champion from Carmel, IN, was voted out of his tribe on Night 27 at the game's ninth Tribal Council session once his close ally, Tai Trang, betrayed him.

Scot, a former Brawn tribe member, became the ninth person voted out of the tribe although 11 castaways have left the game overall -- two of them due to medical evacuations.

"[Kyle Jason] won immunity and he said, 'Here, take this! I trust you.' Obviously we couldn't trust Tai, so the plan didn't work and that's a bad feeling for me because I've got an idol in my pocket that belongs to Jason and should be with him. But it was a good play by Tai and I got blindsided! And I'm out," Scot said following his ouster.

The Survivor broadcast began on Night 24 with Scot saying it was beautiful the other alliance ate one of their own and his own alliance didn't have to play either of their two hidden Immunity Idols. Once the Dara tribe returned to camp from the Tribal Council when Debbie Wanner went home, Tai gave Jason his idol back.


Jason was so proud of causing chaos in the tribe and fracturing the girls' alliance -- Cydney Gillon, Aubry Bracco and Michele Fitzgerald -- which also included Joseph "Joe" Del Campo. Jason was also convinced Julia Sokolowski was still on their side.

On Day 25, Tai wanted to mend relationships with the rest of the tribe because it wasn't in his nature to treat people poorly. Scot suggested to Tai and Jason they talk to Aubry in that case. Scot didn't want to be a mean guy like Russell Hantz, but he had to make a point that Brawn were the providers and the girls weren't going to eat or succeed without them.

Scot then told Aubry their real beef was with Cydney because her betrayal was brutal. Scot said if Aubry was onboard with that, camp would go back to normal and things would be peaceful again.

Aubry told the cameras Scot had made a "soft controlling move." She explained that Scot told her what he wanted and what she'd get in return for cooperating -- all the while serving it with a sugary birthday cake to make him seem less domineering. However, Aubry noted there wasn't "a shot in hell" she'd work with Scot, and she was willing to fight.

The Dara tribe then met Survivor host Jeff Probst for a Reward Challenge.


Each castaway was required to place one foot at the end of a balance beam, and at the other end, were two ceramic pots. If a pot dropped, that person would be out of the challenge.

Jeff explained there would be three Rewards -- "Food" in the form of a bacon cheeseburger with french fries, a cold beer and chocolate chip cookies; "Love" in the form of letters from home, or "Advantage," and the specifics on that game advantage remained a mystery.

Jeff said each castaway could choose one Reward to fight for, and he or she would only be up against the people who wanted that same Reward and therefore competed in that same category. Jeff noted, as a result, there were going to be three winners.

Tai, Cydney and Aubry went for the advantage. Scot, Jason and Michele fought for the food. And finally, Julia and Joe squared off against one another for the letters from home.

In the end, Julia won "Love," Michele won "Food," and Tai won "Advantage."


Scot thought Tai winning the advantage was great for their alliance and all that mattered was Cydney didn't eat or win any advantage in the game. Scot pointed out that Cydney was going home next.

Back at camp, Tai learned he had won himself an extra vote at Tribal Council. He knew it was very powerful and could play the extra vote until five people are left. Tai didn't know what to do, but he acknowledged it was a rich man's problem. 

Meanwhile, Julia's heartfelt letters gave her the inspiration she needed to make big moves. She spoke with Aubry and Michele about Tai being a threat and potentially flushing out the idols. She still wanted to stay loyal, however, to Jason and Scot.

Julia told the girls they should vote for Tai, and if he didn't play the idol, he'd go home. Julia explained that if Tai did play his idol, Cydney would go home since the guys were going suggested they all vote tai, but if he played the idol, Cydney would go home since the guys were going to vote for her anyway.

Aubry said it was a good way to go because Tai would likely get nervous and play his idol. The girls agreed Tai just couldn't win Individual Immunity.


Aubry told the cameras that Julia was shady but playing a good game and she respected it. Aubry said Michele didn't see through it, but Julia was just waiting to have the numbers before wiping the girls out. Aubry, however, said she'd get her hands dirty before that could happen.

On Day 27, Tai and Aubry bonded over the game being bigger than both of them emotionally and mentally. Tai struggled with the lying and cheating. Aubry agreed it was her heart against her brain, that the two were fighting the whole time and it was tough to know which one to trust. They got along great and Tai really liked her energy.

Aubry then admitted to Tai that the girls wanted to manipulate the votes in order to flush out at least one idol. Aubry basically divulged the fact the girls were voting for him, and so she told Tai she really wanted to work with him.

Aubry warned Tai that Julia was gunning for him. Tai was excited to have Aubry on his side, saying she was a good contribution to the alliance. He thought Scot and Jason would appreciate her being onboard.

But instead, when Tai talked to the guys about Aubry joining them, Scot shot down the idea and said Aubry needed to go next. Tai didn't like how he didn't have a say in his alliance and was never really a part of the discussion.

Scot told Tai and Jason that they needed to break Aubry and Joe up -- even though they'd hate keeping Cydney around longer. At the same time, the girls wouldn't expect an Aubry vote and she'd be blindsided. Tai wasn't sure what to do because he felt like an outsider. Scot told his alliance that they couldn't let Aubry win immunity.

It then became time for the Individual Immunity Challenge.

Each castaway was instructed to stretch his or her arms out and use fingertips to press against two wooden discs on either side. Attached to the discs were ceramic pots. Once the pots broke, that person would be out of the challenge. The next person voted out of the game would become the fourth member of this season's jury.

Joe was the first person out. After 25 minutes, Scot dropped out followed by Julia, Tai and then Michele. After 45 minutes, Cydney was out. After 1 hour and 15 minutes, Aubry finally gave in. Jason therefore won immunity. He said his alliance was safe because of the "Super Idol" and they'd be unstoppable going forward. Jason reiterated how Aubry was going home next.

Back at camp, Julia told Scot and Jason everyone wanted to get rid of Tai, so if the five of them voted for him, the idol would be flushed. Scot said it was fine because they had the "Super Idol" and no one knew they were going after Aubry because she was "smart, savvy" and a challenge threat.

Jason told Julia to stick with them because they'd have the numbers and could eventually blindside Tai since they couldn't beat him in the end.


Scot noted that when Tai didn't win immunity, he'd be gone and then himself, Jason and Julia would make it to the Final 3. Julia felt she was in a great spot because Jason and Scot ruined relationships with mostly everyone out there and so they'd be great people to sit next to at the end.

Aubry then talked to Cydney about splitting up Scot and Jason since they were "power players" in the game. Cydney opted for voting out Scot and then leaving Julia's "traitor ass" with Jason on the outside. The girls thought about trying to win Tai over in order to make the move.

Aubry had a connection with Tai and knew his natural state wasn't with Brawn, so she asked him to get onboard with voting for Scot.

Tai was torn because he was afraid of Brawn. His heart wanted to work with Aubry and his instincts told him to trust her, but his brain was telling him to stay with the boys since they'd be so pissed off about him jumping ship. He also figured both men would be easy to beat in the end because they wouldn't get a lot of jury votes.

Aubry swore to Tai they had at least three people behind him, and Tai had no idea what he was going to do heading into Tribal. Right before they took off for Tribal, Aubry told Joe to vote for Scot. Jason also handed his idol to Scot since he was already safe. That way, both Tai and Scot had an idol and they could put them together to make the "Super Idol."

At Tribal Council that night, Jason bragged about how his alliance was safe. Cydney told the tribe to think about whom they could beat in challenges. Jason also noted Tai had stepped up for his alliance many times. Jason also reminded everyone that Aubry was a tough competitor, saying she had just as much Brawn in her as he had in himself.

When Jeff asked if anyone wanted to play an idol before he read the votes, Julia told Tai to play his, but then Scot told Tai not to play it.

Jeff then read the votes in the following order: Tai, Aubry, Scot, Tai, Aubry, Scot, Scot, and Scot.

Scot asked Tai for his idol so they could put them together in order to save him, but Tai shockingly refused. Scot said "wow" before shaking Jason's hand and walking out of the game.

The episode's closing credits later showed that Michele and Julia voted for Tai; Jason and Scot voted for Aubry; and then Aubry, Joe, Cydney and Tai voted to oust Scot from Survivor.   

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.