Kanye West is making his feelings about an award show quite clear once again -- although this time he's warned the world before leaping onstage to interrupt somebody else's speech.


West said during a concert Saturday night in Oakland, Calif., that if Frank Ocean is not nominated for the albums he put out this year, West plans not to show up to the Grammy Awards next year in Los Angeles.

Ocean put out two albums this year, "Blonde" and "Endless," neither of which has been nominated for a Grammy because, apparently, Ocean's labels and management neglected to submit them for consider for the awards.

"The album I listened to the most this year is Frank Ocean's album and, I'll tell you this right now, if his album is not nominated in no category, I'm not showing up to the Grammys," West told the crowd, saying artists needed to come together to fight for each other.

While the current Grammy issue appears to be more of a mistake of the artist than those bestowing awards, West has a history of dramatically disagreeing with awards.


Most notable was in 2009 when he interrupted a Taylor Swift award acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards to announce he felt Beyonce was more deserving of the award.