Singer, actress and new mom Jennifer Hudson says she can still feel the presence of her mother, who was shot to death in Chicago last year.


Hudson's mother, brother and 7-year-old nephew were gunned down, allegedly at the hand of her sister Julia's estranged husband, who is awaiting trial on triple-homicide charges.

"Access Hollywood" asked her if she can still feel her mom in her life.

"Yeah, definitely," Hudson said. "Wherever, wherever. Every day, I'm like: 'Wow, I didn't realize I am so much like my mother until now.' So yeah."

She said her mother was also the "strongest person -- woman I've ever seen." She said she and Julia remain supportive of each other.


"You know, we are family. All we have is each other," she said.

The Oscar winner, who has a newborn son with her fiance, David Otunga, called motherhood "the most amazing thing ever" and told "Access Hollywood" she wants more children.

"I'd like to have at least one more, a little girl," she said. "I want a girl and then maybe another one. You know, one baby at a time."