Survivor: Worlds Apart's merged Merica tribe eliminated Jenn Brown during last week's ninth episode of the CBS reality competition's 30th season.


Jenn, a 22-year-old sailing instructor from Long Beach, CA, was the tenth person voted out of the game and therefore became the season's third jury member. Her Merica tribe got her out on Night 27 at the season's tenth Tribal Council session.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Thursday, the day after the most recent episode aired, Jenn talked about her Survivor experience. Below is the concluding portion. Click here to read the first half.

Reality TV World: Things seemed to change quickly from your fellow castaways believing you're sort of a goat since you didn't even want to be there to viewing you as a threat again and ultimately voting you out. What happened in the middle there? Did your performance in the Immunity Challenge show you were invested in the game again or something?

Jenn Brown: Well, I still was, like, not really "playing the game" when I got voted out. They just knew I was good in the challenges. I mean, you still want to win immunity for fun, and I like the challenges. But it didn't matter. They didn't view me as that much of a threat, but I was still more of a threat than [Shirin Oskooi] was, you know, in their minds sort of.


They didn't really show the last challenge all that much because [Mike Holloway] was dominating it, which he did. But [Sierra Dawn Thomas], Shirin and I were just standing at the back, laughing our asses off because we couldn't for the life of us figure it out.

We were like, "I can't pick up these balls with these scissors. This is insane." And we were just dying. So, I wasn't that much of a threat, but they're not going to go against their own alliance. And they were actually probably going to vote out Shirin if I had not let the chicken go and then tell Mike and Shirin to vote for me.

Reality TV World: Do you think the tribe is underestimating Shirin at all? They seem to treat her like a joke, like she's the least-threatening person out there, but viewers see her constantly thinking and planning. The wheels are always turning in her head.

Jenn Brown: I mean, she is. She's a strategic threat. But it's like, I would be the same if I was in that seven alliance, like, "What are you going to do about it? We're seven strong. We're going to pick you all off. I don't care if you're strategizing with everyone."

They had seen -- time and time again -- us come to the four of [Rodney Lavoie Jr.], [Carolyn Rivera], [Tyler Fredrickson] and [Will Sims II]. They had seen us come to everyone else and be like, "Please, come with us. Let me explain why you should come with us." And they knew it wasn't happening, so it's like, who cares?! You know? It's pointless.


Reality TV World: What do you think Sierra's position in the game is right now? We haven't seen much of her except for being a part of Dan Foley's alliance, but Shirin pointed out at Tribal she's at the bottom of the six with Dan. Do you think she was strategizing out there or just riding people's coattails?

Jenn Brown: Coattails all the way. There was zero strategy in her and Dan's game, in my opinion. It's just like accepting the fact they'd be at the bottom of the six, however, I talked to Sierra. I was like, "Why?! Why did you never join the girls' alliance? We tried when [Hali Ford] was in the game. We tried all this stuff."

And she was like, "Jenn, you and the girls -- like Shirin, [Joe Anglim], Hali, you're all likeable. I will not beat you in the finals. The people I'm aligned with suck. They are fat and I can beat them." So that makes sense to me now.

I'm like, "Okay, I see the logic behind that." But at the time, I was like, "You're crazy! You're at the bottom! Come on, man!" So, I don't know. I've said it once and I'll say it again, it's a very unstrategic season, in my opinion. It's still entertaining, but there's not a lot of strategy.

Reality TV World: Do you think the majority alliance is keeping Rodney around because he's disliked and they think he'd be easy to beat in the end? Other castaways I've talked to this season believed that.


Jenn Brown: I mean, at the time, yeah. It seemed that way out there in Nicaragua. But I have completely 180'd on Rodney. I think Rodney is the most strategic player in the game. I think he's one of the smartest players in the game. I really, really think he's one of the best players out there. Actually, he is the best player out there. People didn't see it out there! We didn't know.

He was controlling everything. He was pulling all the strings and no one knew. It was like, "Oh my God! Rodney is brilliant!" We didn't know! We had no clue, and I'm loving watching it now. I'm like, "Oh my God." But everyone still hates him in America.

I don't know why. Rodney is a great person, but everyone still hates him. I'm like, "He's such a good player, guys. Come on, give him some credit. He's the only one making moves. He's the only one with strategy." He got Will over, you know? He's got this four alliance that no one knew about, you know? It's crazy! He's so good.

Reality TV World: Watching last night's episode, you obviously saw that Will didn't hold out on you guys, that he shared all the rations he was given after the auction with you all. What was your reaction to that and did you feel bad when realizing he was telling the truth?

Jenn Brown: (Laughs) Yeah. I mean, I found out months ago. I straight up asked him after the show because we didn't know at the time. I was like, "Did you have more food? Straight up. Honestly?" And he was like, "No! That's why I got so mad." I was like, "Man, I'm sorry. It looked like there was more food."


I didn't start out thinking Will was not telling the truth. That wasn't how it started. We were like, "I want to find out where his food came from," because Will said that when he came back he was given a map.

So we were all sitting around on the lady's couch -- which is what we called the big stick or tree I always sat on out there -- and Mike wanders over and was like, "Do you guys remember that Will said he had a map?" And we were like, "Oh yeah! Treasure huh? We're bored. Let's go see something."

So we're running around, looking for treasure basically and we find it. We find like wet sand and a stick laying there with a flag on it. So we were like, "Found it!" We picked it up and found this cooler. It was massive." We were like, "There is totally room for more stuff in here."

Also, Will doesn't like dried fruit and nuts. He didn't know what the electrolyte powder was and he doesn't seem like he likes beef jerky. So we were like, "He probably just gave up the sh-tty food and he probably hid the good stuff somewhere." So we went searching for the food and then we told people about it and then Will lost his mind. 

Reality TV World: When you watched last night's episode, what did you think of the new twist in that Dan will be able to have two votes at a future Tribal Council? Where might you guess that will lead the game?

Jenn Brown: Dan Foley has the advantage. Out of everyone that could've gotten it, it was Dan. So, I laughed my ass off, like, "What are you going to do with it, Dan?" (Laughs) It's like, ahh, no comment. Just no comment on that one. (Laughs)

Reality TV World: You went out with a bang because in your final words, you basically said every single person except those in your alliance "sucked super hard." (Laughs) Were you just letting out some frustration and venting in that moment or is that how you really felt?

Jenn Brown: That's how I felt at that moment. I was like, "Man, these people suck! They are bad people." No one did anything when someone verbally abused someone -- who was already a victim of domestic abuse and verbal abuse and all this stuff. No one did anything.

No one even said, "Man, Shirin, that was messed up. We're sorry" -- no one. They just let it happen and I was like, "What is wrong with these people?" I was sitting there just dumbfounded because of all this craziness and thought, "They are all crazy."

And now, my opinion is totally different about them. At the time, I was like, "Sierra, you're crazy." I love Sierra now. She's great. She's awesome. But yeah, it was not funny. Once Joe was gone, the whole camp descended into chaos, so yeah.

Click here to read the first half of Jenn's exclusive interview with Reality TV World.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.