Becca Droz and Floyd Pierce were eliminated from The Amazing Race during the second broadcast of last Thursday night's two-episode event on CBS.


Becca, a 26-year-old rock climbing instructor from Boulder, CO, and Floyd, a 21-year-old college drum major from Boulder, CO, were ousted from the around-the-world competition in the tenth leg because Floyd appeared to come down with heat exhaustion and dehydration while attempting to complete a Roadblock task in Vietnam.

Because of Floyd's condition, the team was not able to complete the leg and arrive at the Pit Stop at Hang Mua Peak. Instead, The Amazing Race host Phil Keoghan met them at the task Floyd had just finished to deliver the bad news of their ouster.

In an exclusive interview with Reality TV World via email, Becca talked about her The Amazing Race experience. Below is what she had to say.


Reality TV World: It was hard watching last night's episode when Floyd kept getting rejected at the shrimp trap Roadblock because he gave it everything he had. Was it heat exhaustion and dehydration? How did you feel about the whole incident?


Becca Droz: Floyd had to work so hard to bring the shrimp traps back and forth in such high heat and humidity, he essentially had heat stroke. In the moment, I blamed myself for getting tunnel vision in my thirst for first. We hastily decided Floyd would do the Roadblock.

I felt sad and confused as I watched teams come and go. I was in disbelief that our Amazing Race journey was coming to an end when it felt so clear to me that we could win. Now that the secret is out of the box, I have felt a huge sense of relief and acceptance with how things went down in 'Nam.

Reality TV World: How hot was it that day? And how long do you think you were waiting for Floyd to finish the bicycling Roadblock task?

Becca Droz: It must have been over 90 percent humidity and over 90 degrees. I was waiting for over three hours.

Reality TV World: It must have been devastating to go out before the Final 4. But in a twisted way, do you think it's actually better to get eliminated after Floyd gave every last ounce of energy he had -- rather than get sent home because you made a mistake or just finished a leg in last place because you got stuck in traffic or something? I'd think your situation would be a little easier to swallow.


Becca Droz: At the time it did feel devastating. I was a wreck for a couple of days after the Philimination. You can see the bags under my eyes and the tension in my face as I hold back tears in the daytime interview on YouTube.

Since the airing, however, I have come to peace with the way it went, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Our mistakes will continue to teach us how to be better people and make better decisions in the future.


Reality TV World: At one point, you were shown saying you wished you had done the shrimp trap Roadblock task instead since Floyd was struggling with it. Watching last night's episode back, do you think you could've conquered that task? When taking into account your strengths and weaknesses, do you think you would have excelled at it or no?

Becca Droz: I thrive in physical challenge. While the shrimp trap Roadblock would have certainly been tough, I have no doubt that I would have excelled at it.


Reality TV World: The show made it seem like, at first, it was all teams against Vanck Zhu and Ashton Theiss, and then more recently, all teams against Tara Carr and Joey Covino. Can you talk about that? Exactly which teams were in your alliance?

Becca Droz: As you can see in the show, I was quite adamant about trying to convince teams to target Mom and Dad, but by the time others clued in to how much of a threat they were they stayed ahead of the pack. They were a strong team in a very secret kind of way and that made me nervous. While The Boys [Matt Ladley and Redmond Ramos],  were clearly a strong team, their strength was very external.

Tara and Joey felt unpredictable to me and I didn't trust them in the game. I never felt that I was in clear alliances with any team, but we were most friendly with The Boys, Team LoLo [London Kaye and Logan Bauer] -- and Escott.

Reality TV World: Did you have any hard feelings toward Tara and Joey for previously U-Turning you, at least at first? Do you think they viewed you as the biggest threat or do you think they U-Turned you for another reason?

Becca Droz: I did not have hard feelings towards Tara and Joey for U-Turning us. I totally understood their decision. We would have done the same to them if we had had the chance. They claimed that they U-Turned us to give their friends, [Michael Rado] and [Liz Espey], a "fighting chance," but I believe they didn't want to admit that they were threatened by us. ;)



Reality TV World: You saw Tara and Joey's reaction to Brooke Camhi and Scott Flanary having U-Turned Liz and Michael. They said it didn't make sense from a game perspective and it was a heartless move. What was your reaction to that?

Becca Droz: I am grateful that Mike and Liz were U-Turned, it kept us in the game for another few legs of memorable adventures! At some point, all but three teams need to be eliminated, it's the game, so I don't think it was a heartless move. It is fascinating to watch the contrasting elements of how all teams interact differently under similar situations and stress.

Reality TV World: What's your perspective on Brooke and Scott's dynamic? Because I kind of feel like it was the exact opposite of what Floyd and yourself had.

Becca Droz: I find Brooke and Scott (#TeamDrama)'s dynamic entertaining to watch, actually it's quite absurd. I am so glad that Floyd and I were able to work together and elevate each other. 

Reality TV World: You selected Floyd after the initial suitcase challenge. Why was that? What did you see in Floyd within such a short period of time, because I know decisions were made based on first impressions.

Becca Droz: I could tell by Floyd's high-waisted fanny pack and high socks that he was a nerd and that was a good balance for me. He had a kind smile and seemed like a good guy. I had no idea that he lived in Boulder or freestyled or juggled or that he would be the best possible Amazing Race partner for me.  


Reality TV World: Why did you initially apply to be on The Amazing Race and was it your first time applying?

Becca Droz: It was clear from the first episode I saw when I was 11-years-old that this Race was everything I wanted to experience in life. I watched religiously all the way until I graduated high school, taking mental notes on Amazing Race strategy. From day one, I believed that my eldest brother, David, would be my perfect partner and that together, we could, without a doubt, win The Amazing Race.

When I was 22, we submitted our first audition video. We submitted our second audition video the following year. Three years later, still working on application video No. 3, I got a call from casting.


Reality TV World: I feel like if I asked you whether you would be up to race with Floyd again, you would yell, "Heck yes!" Am I right?

Becca Droz: "Team Fun" is ready for All Stars.

Reality TV World: Which of the four teams that remain did you view as the strongest team, and why?

Becca Droz: Da Boyyyyyyyzzz.


Reality TV World: At the time you left the Race, which team were you hoping would win The Amazing Race? And which team did you think was most deserving to win?

Becca Droz: We were rooting for Da Boys to win The Amazing Race. I felt that they were most deserving to win because we respected the way they played the game and we loved competing with them. We loved hanging out with The Boys! Matt and Redmond stayed positive, played an honest and independent game and helped others when they could.

To read what Becca's partner, Floyd Pierce, had to say about his The Amazing Race experience, click here.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.