Variety reports that ABC has finished casting -- and shooting -- its celeb edition of "The Mole." "The Mole 3" will star celebrities Michael Boatman (Carter on Spin City), Corbin Bernsen (Arnie on LA Law), Kim Coles (from Living Single), Erik von Detten (from Dinotopia), Baldwin brother Stephen Baldwin, comedian Kathy Griffin, and supermodel Frederique. Ahmad Rashad will be the host. The show quietly wrapped production earlier this month following nearly two weeks of on-location production in Hawaii. The six-part series is likely to air begin airing in January.


According to the producer David Stanley, the celebrities came into the game with varying levels of knowledge about past seasons of "The Mole." While Griffin "knew more about the show than we did," Stanley said, others had to watch a batch of tapes before signing on.

Unlike the regular editions of "The Mole," the B-list stars weren't sequestered during the hours they weren't participating in challenges or other forms of gameplay. As a result, according to Stanley, the "loneliness factor" that affects non-celeb players was not a factor in this edition. In addition, the 10-day production schedule meant cramming many elements of the show into a condensed timeframe.