Big Brother's Season 17 houseguests evicted Jeff Weldon from the house and crowned two new Head of Households during Thursday night's broadcast on CBS.


Seven of Big Brother's houseguests voted to evict Jeff from the game, while four people voted to evict fellow nominee James Huling.

Big Brother's eleventh episode began on Day 26 with Audrey Middleton jumping for joy about how she hadn't been nominated for eviction. Jeff automatically assumed Vanessa Rousso was trying to backdoor him and it lit a fire under his butt.

James didn't think sitting on the chopping block next to Jeff was a bad thing because he had stirred up a lot of drama, making himself the first easy target. Jackie Ibarra, on the other hand, trusted Jeff and said he was her only true friend in the game.

Jeff started scrambling for more votes to stay. He thought he had a 50/50 chance of getting Austin Matelson's vote and hoped Liz Nolan had his back. Jeff thought he was bros with Austin, but in reality, Austin wanted him gone.


Jason Roy told Clay Honeycutt he trusted James more than Jeff. Clay said Jeff backtracks and lies, so he agreed James was more trustworthy.

Meg Maley, however, noted it might be smart to get rid of James since he was a physical competitor and she'd never want to sit on the block next to him. Meg pointed out that Jeff had no shot to win because he had "screwed people along the way."

Clay then told Jeff he played the game too strong too fast. Clay asked Jeff to admit to him that he had talked about getting himself or Shelli Poole out at some point. Jeff didn't confirm or deny it, but he insisted he wasn't threatened by them as a pair -- that he just wanted to work with them.

Clay was unsure whether to give Jeff a second chance. Shelli was also upset with Jeff, who claimed he just got caught up in the game and made some mistakes he wishes he could erase. Jeff cried to Shelli, but she didn't know whether his emotions were genuine. Shelli told Jeff she didn't want to send him home and then hugged him.

But Jeff told Jackie and the cameras he was faking such tears considering Shelli is an emotional player. Jeff thought "a sales pitch" would work to his advantage in that he'd pull at Shelli's heart strings and convince her to feel sympathy for him. She'd be more likely to save him if she felt he was truly sorry for what went down.


Meanwhile, Austin was developing a very strong connection with Liz. She also found him to be more than just an ally. Jeff was confident Liz is a twin, so instead of blowing up her game, he talked to her about working together and keeping her secret. She continued to deny having a twin.

Liz and Jeff had this conversation about strategy in Liz's bed -- under the covers -- and Austin walked in on them. The scene made him jealous and angry. Liz's twin Julia had told Liz to stay away from Jeff, but Liz felt like she was the flirty one out of the pair who could easily manipulate and control him.

Austin insisted to Liz that Jeff was trying to blackmail her. Liz admitted to having a stronger connection with Jeff and believing Austin was actually the one trying to manipulate her. Liz found the chain of events ironic since Austin claimed Jeff was "a master manipulator."

When it became time for the live eviction, Jackie, John McGuire, Steve Moses and Liz voted to oust James from the Big Brother house. Everyone else voted to evict Jeff. On his way out of the house, Jeff told Jackie to win Big Brother for the both of them.

In his post-eviction interview, Jeff confessed to host Julie Chen that Jackie was the only person he really trusted. He said they intentionally kept a low profile and a distance from one another so no one would suspect they were a power couple.


Julie noticed Jackie was kind of floating along in the game -- not strategizing with people or forming relationships. Jeff, still, had faith in his friend.

The episode concluded with the next Head of Household competition. Dubbed "Bustin' Moves," the competition required the houseguests -- minus Vanessa, who as the outgoing HoH was ineligible to compete -- to answer "True or False" questions about 90s dance routines performed in front of them.

Liz and Shelli both became the week's new HoHs.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.