Big Brother's Head of Households Vanessa Rousso and Austin Matelson each nominated two houseguests for eviction, followed by the Battle of the Block competition, during Sunday night's broadcast on CBS.


Big Brother's ninth episode began with Audrey Middleton calling Vanessa "a wild card" because she didn't know where they stood. Vanessa's closest ally in the house was Austin.

Julia Nolan then told Vanessa she has a twin named Liz Nolan and they've been switching places often throughout the game. Liz was the only person whom all the houseguests had believed was playing the game -- as an individual. Vanessa got excited about the news and swore her loyalty to Julie for sharing the secret.

However, the house was already suspicious of Liz having a twin because Da'Vonne Rogers had noticed Liz's body weight often changed and her habits -- such as working out -- were inconsistent.

Vanessa told Shelli Poole and Clay Honeycutt about the "Twin Twist" because she trusted them. If Liz could survive five evictions, then her twin sister Julia could also enter the game as an individual. Vanessa's alliance figured that if they kept Liz around, they'd eventually have the numbers thanks to the addition of Julia down the road.


Vanessa also revealed the "Twin Twist" to Austin, who was thrilled because this twist was bringing his alliance closer together and solidifying them as a unit.

Meanwhile, Meg Maley noted that Audrey had to go home and she thought everyone agreed, including Jeff Weldon. Jason Roy had no idea what to expect with Austin and Vanessa in power because they had never spoken a word of strategy with one another.

But Vanessa and Austin talked about getting rid of James Huling, Jeff or Jason. Vanessa explained that Jeff had an excellent social game, while she just really couldn't stand James as a person. The HoHs agreed to let everyone in the house believe their plan was to backdoor Audrey. Austin thought it was important to keep Audrey around because he assumed he'd be the next big target after her.

Vanessa told Austin it would work to their advantage for her to remain the sole HoH of the week. In that case, Austin could play again in the HoH competition the following week. He also had better connections with people in the house than she did.

Vanessa's plan was to convince the house Julia and Liz were the same person. Austin called their alliance the "Sixth Sense," and Liz was ecstatic her two "besties" in the house were running the show.


It will take a lot of work for Vanessa to pull a fast one on all of her fellow houseguests though. Jeff, Jackie Ibarra, John McGuire and James discussed whether Liz could really be a twin. John noticed one of the girls had a crown on her front tooth because it was a different shade than her other teeth. He tried to get close enough to tell but failed. However, something in his gut was telling him that he was correct.

Jeff, as a way to suck up to an HoH, informed Austin maybe Liz has an identical twin because one worked out with Austin often and the other never exercised. Jeff suggested one of the twins had a crush on Austin. Austin just played dumb and thanked him for the information, but if anything, Jeff just became more of a target in Austin's eyes. Austin felt it was necessary to protect Liz.

Vanessa then determined it would be best for her to nominate someone who would throw the Battle of the Block competition so she'd remain in power and be capable of backdooring James or Jeff. Austin, therefore, needed to nominate two strong competitors who could win the BoB no problem.

Vanessa asked John if he'd be alright with serving as a pawn again. In exchange for his sacrifice and loyalty, Vanessa and Austin promised they'd keep him safe right through the Top 10. Vanessa told John that she knew she could trust him because he had already done the deed for Shelli the week prior.

At the Nomination Ceremony, Austin nominated Meg and Jason, saying there was a bigger design to his plan. Vanessa nominated James and John, insisting it was "a game move" and she wanted John to crush the BoB competition.


Jason didn't feel safe at all and was pissed because he was sitting next to the "pretty pawn" of Meg. Meg was also really upset about being a pawn again and she cried. Jason assured her that they'd be fine. Austin insisted to Meg and Jason the goal was to backdoor Audrey.

Jason wasn't sure what to think. He called himself and Meg "weaklings" and believed Vanessa was looking to get dethroned so Austin would be left as the sole HoH. Austin still claimed, however, he'd do everything possible to keep Jason and Meg safe. Jason told the cameras he didn't trust Austin at all -- or anyone "with a penis" for that matter.

John had every intention to throw the BoB competition although he was annoyed to be put in the same position multiple times.

In the end, James' lack of skill in the foam-party challenge made it easy for John to lose. Jason and Meg won the Battle of the Block, dethroning Austin. Vanessa was happy to stay HoH even though that meant she'd get more blood on her hands.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.