Porn promoter Steven Hirsch said he hopes interest in "American Idol" has a halo effect on the not-so-angelic film featuring former contestant Olivia Mojica.


Called "Hardcore Idol," the 40-minute DVD -- with "Here's what the judges didn't see" as a tagline -- hits the stores May 3. Hirsch's Los Angeles-based, adult-movie company, Vivid Entertainment, is the distributor.

Hirsch said Mojica, an "Idol" contestant during the second season, and her boyfriend hopped into bed for a camera just a month ago in her New York apartment, Variety reported. A third party approached Vivid with a copy of the video, Hirsch said, adding the quality was "better than any other celebrity sex tape I'd ever seen. The sex is so great that if she were in the adult business, she'd be an instant superstar."

Hirsch said he struck a deal when the unnamed third party agreed to indemnify Vivid in case Mojica or Fox Network, home to "American Idol," sued.

"We're a conservative company," he said. "We don't move forward until we've dotted all of the i's and crossed all of the t's."