Married at First Sight could possibly have a cheating scandal in the works.


During Tuesday night's episode, the three newlywed-couples reached the Day 31 mark in this extreme experiment and were all planning Fourth of July celebrations with their friends.

Ashley Doherty was initially uncomfortable with the idea of having a party at her place with David Norton's friends, but she wanted to show David she was trying to get out of her comfort zone.

Ashley therefore baked a cake and made a signature lemonade drink for his guests. Most of Ashley's friends didn't show up, but David was so proud of her for tackling the situation head-on. He said she lit up the house just like she always lights up a room with her smile.

Married at First Sight's experts hoped that Ashley would see the amazing guy that David's friends see. But at the end of the day, Ashley was upset David left her alone too much. She didn't even feel like they were dating at the party because he was off doing his own thing. David explained he needed to grill all the food and assumed she'd like to have conversations with his friends without his interference all the time. 


That night, David brought Ashley flowers and a cupcake in honor of their one-month anniversary. He explained how much he cared for her and how dedicated he was to this marriage regardless of how much they had been fighting recently. Ashley appeared frustrated, however, and confronted David about a rumor while they were on the topic of "commitment."

"Thank you. That's really nice and I wish I could kind of take in this moment more. But I have something to talk to you about. I'm just so confused, especially like, after what you just said. I got a message last night that you had asked a girl out for drinks this past weekend," Ashley explained.

David sat on their porch with a completely expressionless face, and then the episode ended.

According to a preview clip of next week's Married at First Sight episode, David called Ashley "dismissive" of the problem and then she yelled at him that it's not something she can just get over in 24 hours.

David appeared to visit his father's grave, where he bawled and confessed his marriage had "gone to sh-t." David wished his dad was around to give him some advice and help him through the adversity. David felt "hurt, pain and sorrow" because he really cared for Ashley and wanted her back.


For David to say he wanted Ashley back, he must've lost her in some way. She had always been guarded around him and shut off from intimacy, so putting another wall up could be devastating for their relationship.

Also during last night's broadcast, Tres Russell and Vanessa Nelson had a little tiff. Vanessa was upset that Tres didn't care more about her dog being sick and he sort of shot down the idea of being in love with his wife when a friend brought up the topic at their house party. Vanessa asked him to gain a more "husband mentality."

Tres was annoyed because he believed he had been doing everything possible to be a good husband for Vanessa. He worried she was trying to build him into this perfect man he might never be able to live up to. Tres wanted his wife to love him for who he is.

Vanessa then said she needed time alone, but instead of sleeping on the couch or something, Vanessa went "home" and stayed there all night. Tres felt abandoned, which was a horrible feeling considering his mother had left him at a young age.

Tres thought having a wife meant he'd never have to go through that again. Once Tres voiced his concern to Vanessa upon her return, she felt guilty and promised to never do that again. Vanessa clearly needed to work on her communication.


Meanwhile, Sam Role and Neil Bowlus continued making strides in their relationship. Hanging out with Neil's friends made Sam realize that he truly is just an introverted person and he doesn't just act that way around her. Sam's friends pointed out they were matched to compliment each other, and the experts noted both Sam and Neil are "quirky creatures" and Sam needed a stable, grounded man in her life.

Sam admitted to Neil she really cared about his happiness and was appreciative about him being in this marriage "for the long haul." Sam also brought Neil to her gym where she showed him some aerial-flying techniques she enjoys. Neil gave it a try and even agreed to sign up for an intro class. Sam was happy Neil took interest in her passion and was supportive of it.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.