Humm... it seems like Kimmi might not have been the only survivor worried about "having their needs satisfied" while stranded in the Outback for 42 days. The New York Post is reporting the following, although being the Post's 'Page Six' column, you can't help but be skeptical as to whether it's true:


"THERE'S one scene caught on tape for 'Survivor II' you won't see on the air. Insiders say that after days of subsisting on rice, the hungry and cranky contestants began to suspect that one man who kept sneaking off into the bush was cheating by secretly eating food he had smuggled in. After telling the producers of their suspicions, they searched through the suspect's belongings, but found nothing. Then they arranged to follow the suspect to his hiding place with a camera crew and catch him in the act. But when the trap was sprung, the suspect wasn't eating-he was pleasuring himself. 'He'll never do it again,' laughed our source. 'He's traumatized.'"

Source: New York Post