is claiming to have gotten a reply from Josh's Los Angeles roomate regarding the Hermando Today newspaper's earlier report about Josh's of personal injury lawsuit. While the details of this issue obviously are a matter of debate -- one issue certainly doesn't seem to be, namely that once again CBS is making liberal use of the contestants reputed "place of residence." Previously living in Florida... currently living in Los Angeles and working at Dodger Stadium -- clearly Josh isn't recently residing anywhere near Long Island, New York.


"I live with Josh in Los Angeles. The information in the Florida Newspaper that was cited in the article about the 'BB3 houseguests' legal battles' is INCORRECT. Josh was permanently injured in front of the Winn Dixie. The knee brace josh wears on the show IS a real knee brace and it does serve a purpose. Having lived with Josh for almost two years now in a small two bedroom apartment and watching him struggle with broken down cars and borrowing money from me, I assure you he did not receive any settlements for anywhere near $80,000. That's ludicrous. The settlement he got was $1,500 for medical reimbursement."

"As much as America would love to see Josh in legal trouble, he has done nothing wrong. Outside of the house, Josh is a hard working waiter/bartender at the esteemed Grand Reserve Club at Dodger's Stadium. He pays his taxes, has a loving family and many loving friends (including me) and has helped me through some tough times."

"How in the world would the jurors know what the settlement was? They see how CBS has portrayed him as "the villain". They have forgotten that it was a TV show created for entertainment purposes. Now they've decided to come forward with ridiculous made-up stories so this guy can come out of the house with a reputation of being a common thief/criminal. He's not."