Jessica Simpson's father, Joe Simpson, is embroiled in a legal battle with a California businessman claiming he is owed a $12 million commission.


TMZ reported that Jeffrey Bowler filed a lawsuit claiming he helped connect the Simpsons to a buyer who ultimately bought a majority stake in the singer's successful fashion company.

Bowler says he and Joe Simpson had made a verbal agreement over the phone a decade ago saying Bowler would receive a 10 percent finder's fee if he located a buyer.

The deal was apparently never put in writing.

Bowler believes the Simpsons owe him 10 percent of the apparent $120 million majority stake deal.


In response, the New York Post reports Joe Simpson and his lawyer filed papers against Bowler -- whom he worked with briefly in 2010 -- claiming he tried to extort $12 million from the family.

The Jessica Simpson Collection of clothing, fragrances, shoes and other items -- which is sold in department stores like Macy's and Dillard's -- takes in over $1 billion a year in sales.

A representative for the actress-turned-retail mogul told TMZ that she has never met Bowler nor had any dealings with him.