"American Idol" contestant Julia DeMato has reportedly cut a deal in Danbury, Conn., to get drug and alcohol charges pending against her erased.


The Brookfield, Conn., resident Thursday applied for alcohol education and community service labor programs and if she completes them, the charges will be dropped, the Danbury (Conn.) News-Times reported.

DeMato, 26, was arrested Dec. 3 in the parking lot of a Brookfield restaurant.

She failed field sobriety tests and was charged with drunken driving and a police search turned up two marijuana pipes, a small quantity of marijuana and cocaine, the newspaper said.

Once DeMato completes rehabilitation and community service, the charges against her will be dismissed. She returns to court Feb. 10.


DeMato placed 10th in the 2003 season of the Fox TV "American Idol" talent competition.