Jessica Peet was eliminated from Survivor: David vs. Goliath after the David Tribe lost its second Immunity Challenge in a row during Wednesday night's Season 37 episode on CBS.


Jessica, a 19-year-old waitress from Lakeland, FL, was ousted from the game on Day 6 through a 5-4 vote instead of Lyrsa Torres, a 36-year-old airline agent from Puerto Rico, who currently resides in Boston, MA, at the first Tribal Council session of the Survivor season.

"To be the first one voted out, it's sad, but at the same time, it's kind of a compliment to me that they viewed me as that big of a threat," Jessica said following her ouster.

"I came out of the gate and I wanted to play hard, and I guess I trusted some people that I shouldn't have trusted, and it bit me in the butt. In the end, I guess I was the first #blindside of the season."

During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Thursday, Jessica talked about her short-lived Survivor experience and what went wrong. Below is a portion of what she had to say.



Reality TV World: You said in your final words you were blindsided. Could you confirm that was the case or were there any red flags or warning signs you may be in trouble prior to Tribal Council?

Jessica Peet: No, I wouldn't say I had any warning signs prior to Tribal. It really was genuinely a blindside; I had no idea until I got to Tribal, and that's when the nerves start to set in and I started to put two and two together that I would probably see my name a couple of times.

Reality TV World: Was anything said in particular that made you think you'd see your name written down or did you just feel a certain vibe at Tribal Council?

Jessica Peet: Well, I knew that Lyrsa and I had a rocky relationship just because of stuff that had happened prior to the Tribal. So Lyrsa and [Elizabeth Olson], I was expecting to see my name from them. We were talking during Tribal and there were a couple of instances where, like, I knew it was directed right at me.


There was one that Lyrsa said in which she wasn't going to work -- she wasn't going to do something with a liar, something along those lines. And she had asked me straight out whenever we were at camp who I was going to vote for, and Lyrsa just wanted to vote out [Carl Boudreaux].

So I was like, "It's Carl. It's okay, don't freak out," blah, blah, blah, blah. And she didn't tell me that she knew I was lying, but I mean, you're not going to tell the person you're voting for, like, "Hey, we're voting for you!"

So yeah, I knew going in that I was probably going to see my name one or two times, but I just didn't know to the extent. So it truly was a blindside. It really caught me off guard.


Reality TV World: Was there anything else that happened between Lyrsa, Elizabeth and yourself? Was there ever an argument?


Jessica Peet: Not an argument, necessarily. To my understanding, there was a conversation that happened that Lyrsa was part of, and I believe Carl was as well, and they were just talking back and forth.

And Carl mentioned Elizabeth's name, like how he didn't want Elizabeth to be a part of the tribe anymore -- he wanted to vote her out. And Lyrsa and Elizabeth were obviously closely aligned, so then Lyrsa was then prompted to say my name, which obviously got back to me.

So Lyrsa and I had a conversation and I really did not appreciate the fact she said my name, so she apologized.

But it's just very hard in a game of deception to believe that people are being genuine and 100 percent honest with you, and so in my mind, you've already said my name once, and so that came down to, "You've got to go."

So Lyrsa's name had already been discussed prior to that, but when that was said, it kind of kicked it into gear for everybody where we were like, "Yeah, we don't know about Lyrsa."


Reality TV World: So at Tribal Council, whom did you think was voting out Lyrsa with you? And were you worried anyone in your group might be on the fence?

Jessica Peet: In my head, I knew -- or at least I thought I knew -- I was going to see my name from Lyrsa and Elizabeth, just them. I thought I was going to see my name twice. The people I thought were voting with me were Carl, [Bi Nguyen], [Davie Rickenbacker], [Nick Wilson] and [Gabby Pascuzzi].

I wasn't really sure about [Christian Hubicki]. Christian and I didn't talk a ton, just a couple of times we had words with each other. But yeah, Gabby and Nick were the main two I was relying on heavily for the vote of Lyrsa. And in hindsight, they ended up voting for me.


Reality TV World: Did you feel particularly betrayed by Gabby or Nick? I know it was probably difficult to establish trust that early in the game though.

Jessica Peet: Yeah, right. So Bi, Gabby and myself, we all had a great relationship. The three of us -- once Lyrsa and Elizabeth paired off -- had a really great relationship. And then Nick and I, we had a good relationship. We had a lot of good conversations and I really did trust Nick.

I think I had more trust for Nick than I even did Gabby. Nick and I became close because whenever it was cold at nighttime, we were keeping each other warm, and I don't know, I just thought we had a better relationship than that.

So I think if I was particularly deceived by anybody, more so than the other, I was very shocked by Nick.

At Tribal Council, I remember when I was voted out, I looked back at Nick because I was just so shocked that he voted that way, and I kind of game him a little "are you serious?" face.

I tilted my head at him, like, "Are you serious?" And he looked at me and gave me somewhat of a soft smile and nodded his head, "Yes." So I knew.

And then it was like once I knew that, the rest of the votes just kind of played out in my head. So, yeah, it was disappointing. I was upset that Nick and Gabby both voted that way, but you know, what are you going to do?



Reality TV World: So viewers saw the group's reasoning for voting you out, that you were allies with Bi and Carl and served as the glue that held them together. So putting yourself in your fellow tribe members shoes, do you think Nick and his group made the right choice in taking out a strategic threat like yourself instead of Lyrsa, who was arguably the weakest tribe member?

Jessica Peet: Absolutely. I agree with that 100 percent. I totally see where they were coming from. I'm not mad at all. I mean, of course I was upset whenever it first happened, but upon reflection and looking back on all of it, I think they made the best decision for them.

Now, we'll see if that helps them win challenges at all because I think I would've been more of an asset in challenges than Lyrsa would've been, but yeah, I think it was a good decision.

And honestly, I view it very much so as a compliment that they were threatened enough by my strategic game to get me out so soon.

And it makes me very happy, too, because I know I said I was 22, and there were a lot of instances in Survivor when if you're young, you get voted out because you're young and because something has come out character-wise that they don't like about you.

So to be voted out for gameplay makes me very happy. It makes me not as upset as I would've been if they were just like, "Well, she's young; we need to vote her out."

Be sure to check back with Reality TV World soon for more from our exclusive Survivor interview with Jessica Peet.


About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.