Big Brother live feed spoilers have revealed which Season 19 houseguest won the Power of Veto competition, and which players are this week's final eviction nominees as a result.


[Spoiler Warning: Please stop reading now if you want to wait until Big Brother's July 19 episode to discover who won the Power of Veto competition and what happened afterwards].

According to Big Brother's live feeds, this week's HoH, Alex Ow, and the two nominees, Jessica Graf and Dominique Cooper, played in the Power of Veto competition along with selected players Jason Dent, Kevin Schlehuber, and Christmas Abbott.

Paul Abrahamian had convinced Alex to nominate Jessica and Dominique for eviction with Mark Jansen on the back burner as a potential replacement nominee pending the results of the PoV competition.

Paul targeted Dominique and Mark thinking they were well aware of the fact Cody Nickson had wanted to backdoor him.


In the end, Jason, a 38-year-old rodeo clown from Humeston, IA, won the Power of Veto competition.

After Jason won the Power of Veto, he began scrambling to figure out what he should do with Alex's nominations. As Alex's good pal, he wanted to assist her game and make a decision that benefited her as well.

Dominique, in attempt to save herself, pulled Alex aside and told her that she wanted a group meeting to expose vital details. Dominique then threw out a metaphor about snakes knowing their territory.

Alex, however, ratted on Dominique and warned Mark, Elena Davies and Paul about what she had said. When Paul confronted Dominique about the claim, she denied ever calling him a snake.

But the conversation didn't die down from there. Dominique was on the defense until she finally fessed up that the houseguests needed to watch out for Paul. Christmas Abbott asked her if Paul was the "infiltrator," and Dominique confirmed that.


Paul then used Dominique's wishy-washy story to build his own case that she was lying and he was telling the truth, when he really wasn't. Paul had targeted Dominique -- with Mark also in mind -- to save his own back because he felt threatened.

Working with Alex, Jason considered nominating one of Dominique's allies in Jessica's place.

Jason has argued that Jessica should be taken down from the block because she could serve as a number for their small alliance going forward. Since Dominique appeared closest to Mark at this point in the game, he was thrown into the mix as a potential replacement nominee, along with Raven Walton, who's in a showmance with Matt Clines.

Jason figured that Mark wouldn't campaign to keep Dominique around if he was sitting on the chopping block with her.

At the Veto Meeting, Paul arrived dressed like a snake to play up Dominique's alleged betrayal, and Alex seems to trust him more than anyone in the house despite her fellow houseguests' warnings.


Jason ultimately decided that he did not want to use the Power of Veto on anyone, keeping Alex's original nominations of Jessica and Dominique the same.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.