Big Brother houseguest Jason Dent won the Power of Veto competition and removed himself from the chopping block, allowing the Head of Household, Christmas Abbott, to name a replacement nominee during Wednesday night's Season 19 episode.


Christmas' original nominees were Jason and Matt Clines, but both men were serving as her pawns to backdoor Mark.

After Josh won the Power of Veto competition, he decided to save himself. Christmas, as the HoH, was then afforded the chance to name a replacement nominee, and she picked Mark Jansen, telling him that she had fulfilled her obligation to him just by listening to his campaign speech hours beforehand.

The Big Brother episode began on Day 59, with Christmas saying she didn't want Mark to win the veto. However, if Mark managed to claim victory, Christmas intended to send Jason home.

Meanwhile, Mark hoped that by granting Paul Abrahamian immunity with his "Save a Friend" advantage from the Tree of Temptation, it would build some good will between Paul and himself.


Mark knew that Paul was a very influential person in the game, so it couldn't hurt. But Paul admitted in the Diary Room that Mark's gesture meant nothing to him because it was pretty obvious he was already safe given that his pal Christmas was HoH this week.

Christmas really liked Mark and said she had a big heart for him, but she still wanted him gone.

As for Paul, he began thinking about his endgame, because he failed to strategize early on Season 18 and ended up losing to Nicole Franzel. Paul therefore needed to pick people whom he could beat in competitions and in jury votes, and he noted that Christmas and Josh Martinez seemed like good options.

Paul, Christmas and Josh then discussed a potential pecking order in which Paul said they should take out Alex Ow before Jason. Paul didn't support or stand up for Alex in the conversation because he didn't want to expose his side alliance with her.

The trio also talked about bringing Kevin Schlehuber and Raven Walton with them to the Final 5.


It then became time to pick players for the Power of Veto competition. Christmas selected a "houseguest's choice" coin and picked Raven to play, which surprised everyone in the house. Christmas told the cameras she had a "brain fart" and should have picked Paul to compete.

Matt also picked a "houseguest's choice" coin, and she chose to have Paul play in the competition. And last but not least, Mark's name was drawn, and he couldn't have been more thrilled because this was his chance to potentially save himself from eviction.

Jason and Alex thought it was weird that Christmas picked Raven to play in the competition instead of Alex, who had proved herself to be a better physical competitor. Christmas confessed to the duo she had made a mistake.

Going into the Veto competition, Mark -- who has won four competitions this season already -- said it was "war" and he was definitely going to win the power.

Big Brother's famous robot, Zingbot, then entered the house. The robot made some funny jokes, while others were arguably mean. For example, Zingbot poked fun at the fact Josh was having trouble losing weight in the Big Brother house.


A couple of highlights from Zingbot's appearance are when he told Alex that she was carrying "dead weight" around the house, meaning Jason. And the robot told Matt that he had done nothing all season long other than Raven.

At the PoV competition, Christmas was not cleared to compete due to her injury.

Each houseguest was required to run back and forth a slippery lane and fill up a bucket using a little funnel. At one end of the lane, they had to fill their funnels with slime, and on the other end of the lane, they dumped the slime into one of two buckets.

If a player filled up the smaller bucket first, he or she would be able to use a huge scooper for eight trips. Another strategy was to ignore the small bucket entirely. The first person to fill his or her large bucket would win the veto.

This competition was not Mark's forte, as he slipped and fell so many times. Mark knew it would be an uphill battle to win this veto.


Since Christmas couldn't play, she hoped Paul would win the veto in order to keep the power on their side. Paul, however, didn't mind losing because it meant he wouldn't have to piss off either of the couples in the house.

In the end, Jason won the veto by filling up his small bucket first to use the large scooper.

Mark then made his plea to Christmas and Josh, telling the pair that he would pledge his allegiance to them if they decided to keep him around. Mark told them to look at Alex and Jason instead because they're both competitors and may have Kevin and Paul on their side.

Mark noted that Alex and Jason were capable of winning back-to-back HoH and PoV competitions.

Mark also pointed out that if Alex made it to the end of the game, she would win. This was Christmas' time to make a big move, and while she considered it, she opted out.

At the Veto Meeting, Jason used the veto on himself, and then Christmas put Mark on the chopping block in the rodeo clown's place.

Christmas later told the cameras that Mark's word and loyalty was "poop" based on his prior gameplay, but Matt's placement on the chopping block was tempting because it could be her chance to go after a showmance.

Mark hoped to still charm a few people, and he certainly wasn't going to give up. Meanwhile, Matt said that being on the block was "getting old" and he hoped nobody would get any ideas about taking a shot at him.

Paul knew that it was only a matter of time when the majority alliance would have to turn on each other, but he anticipated the power couples would go at each other and Paul could just sit on the sidelines and watch.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.