Big Brother's Head of Household Vanessa Rousso determined the week's two official eviction nominations following the Power of Veto competition during Wednesday night's broadcast on CBS.


Big Brother's tenth episode began with James Huling saying he was going to worry about being on the chopping block with John McGuire until Audrey Middleton was named the replacement nominee. James assumed it was the whole house's plan to backdoor Audrey.

Clay Honeycutt told Vanessa that Jeff Weldon and James didn't suspect anything. Vanessa had to decide which one she wanted to get rid of. While Jeff had an excellent social game, she thought James was threatening because he was a physical threat and could win HoH competitions.

Vanessa therefore decided it would be best to leave her nominations the same. Austin thought Jeff was the biggest target, but he knew it was best to still go along with Vanessa. She told Audrey she had nothing to worry about and her alliance hoped she'd win the Power of Veto.

In Vanessa's mind, Audrey winning the PoV would be best case scenario because no one would discover they're working together and Vanessa wouldn't seem like she's going against the house by failing to nominate her for eviction.


Meanwhile, Austin allowed James to think Audrey was still the target. Jeff also talked to Austin about how they should get out Shelli because she was controlling Clay, and the guys clearly wanted Clay on their side.

When players were chosen for the PoV competition, Audrey was one of them, so Vanessa was really happy. It was Jason and James' worst nightmare, however. Vanessa, Austin and Shelli planned to throw the PoV competition so Audrey could win. Vanessa wanted as little blood on her hands going forward as possible.

In the PoV competition, the final round came down to John vs. Austin. Austin assured John he'd be safe, but John still wanted to take himself off the chopping block. Austin believed winning the PoV might not be in the best interest of his own game, so he ultimately decided to throw it for John.

John was thrilled he won the PoV, but Vanessa could tell Austin had thrown the competition, and so she felt betrayed and pissed off. She found Austin's decision selfish because it forced her to name a replacement and make more people in the house angry at her. If Austin had won the competition, he could've kept the nominations the same.

But it was obvious John was going to pull himself off the block. He was getting tired of sticking his neck out for everyone. He was fed up, saying they needed to truly work with him or he'd go after them.


Meanwhile, James was pretty relaxed thinking Audrey was going home, but Vanessa and Austin were stressed out and at odds. Austin tried to convince Vanessa he didn't give up during the challenge, be she repeatedly accused him of lying to her face.

Jeff then talked to Vanessa about where her head was at. She told Jeff she wanted to do the right thing for herself but also what would make other people happy.

Jeff told the HoH that Audrey was the easy choice because most of the house drama started with her. Vanessa mentioned targeting James instead, and Jeff was shocked because she would've had such an easy week. Jeff noted she had an "HoH playbook" she could've followed, but she just opted to make things more difficult for herself.

Jeff told Austin about what Vanessa had said in front of a small group. Jeff was clearly unaware of the fact Austin was working with Vanessa. However, Austin pretended to be shocked, insisting Vanessa was overthinking everything and he'd go talk to her.

Jason told the group Austin was absolutely lying -- that it was plain as day and his eyes said it all. Jeff then told Clay that Austin had to go because he wasn't trustworthy anymore. Clay, of course, told Austin, who said Jeff was trying to throw him under the bus. Austin therefore had a reason to convince Vanessa to put Jeff on the chopping block.


Vanessa thought that if Austin blew up Jeff's spot and confronted him, he'd make a perfect replacement nominee because no one would question why Vanessa was targeting him.

As planned, Austin made a scene about Jeff betraying him, saying they were supposed to be boys. Jeff was caught completely off-guard and said Austin was acting ridiculous and his allegations were "bullsh-t." Austin also announced that Jeff had every intention to get rid of Shelli. Vanessa asked Jeff to tell everyone the truth, but he declined.

Vanessa flipped out and yelled that she was going to put him on the chopping block, that Jeff had sealed his own fate.

The next "BB Takeover" was a silly chugging contest for the show's winners that week -- the two Battle of the Block champions, the two HoHs and the winner of the Power of Veto. Meg Maley won a cruise with Rob Gronkowski and his family set to depart next year from Miami to the Bahamas.

In the end, John used the PoV to save himself as predicted. Vanessa then named Jeff the replacement nominee because of "recent events." She said Jeff had lied in front of a room of people at her expense and he crossed her integrity as a result.


Jeff was furious and told the cameras that Vanessa was simply Audrey's puppet, that she wasn't the strong competitor she pretended to be. James and Jeff were left on the chopping block going into Thursday night's live eviction.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.