Big Brother's Head of Household James Huling won the Power of Veto competition and kept his two eviction nominations the same during Wednesday night's broadcast on CBS.


James had put Shelli Poole and her showmance partner Clay Honeycutt on the chopping block earlier this week because he wanted to split up the power couple. He also knew they had a big hand in evicting his best buddy Jason Roy the week prior although Vanessa Rousso had been in charge as the HoH at the time.

Vanessa had intelligently made a deal with James so she'd be safe. She swore she wouldn't nominate him and one ally of his choice right up through the Final 7. James took advantage of the offer and therefore replacing either Shelli or Clay with Vanessa on the block wasn't going to happen no matter what.

Shelli and Clay were shocked James had nominated them because he had promised to keep them safe in front of the whole house as long as Shelli quit the "On The Edge" HoH competition so James could win it.

The pair was furious about James' betrayal and Clay mouthed off to him, but James didn't care. He had no problem getting blood on his hands if it meant making a big move and seeking revenge on behalf of his fallen comrades.


During last night's episode, Shelli and Clay both knew one of them had to win the Power of Veto competition.

Vanessa was upset Shelli was blaming her for her placement on the chopping block. Vanessa said in a confessional that Shelli needed to take some responsibility for Jason's ouster because they decided the gameplan as a group. Shelli and Clay didn't understand why they were being blamed for previous evictions instead of Vanessa and Austin.

James explained to the cameras Shelli and Clay sat in the background and just pointed fingers at everyone else, excepting not to be caught. He noted, "Wake up. It's Big Brother." Shelli told James she was never going to go after him, but James told the cameras he was put on the block numerous times when she had been in power.

But in the end, James won the PoV and chose to keep his nominations the same. Shelli cried about how she was going to be separated from Clay before the jury, meaning she wouldn't even be able to spend time with him while being sequestered.

In a desperate attempt to save themselves, Shelli and Clay tried to convince James that Austin Matelson was responsible for Jason's eviction because he made last-minute strides to keep himself off the block once Vanessa warned him the house wanted him gone.


Clay also campaigned to the house for his eviction rather than Shelli's, but Meg Maley admitted she has a little crush on Clay and therefore wants Shelli gone.

Shelli was well aware she was the bigger target in the house considering she had won three HoH competitions this season and was pretty much the mastermind behind all of her and Clay's strategy. However, she kept mentioning how she was going to be in the jury house without Clay, suggesting she'd remain in the game.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.