Big Brother's Head of Household Becky Burgess named a replacement nominee following the Power of Veto competition during Wednesday night's broadcast on CBS.


On Day 51 in the Big Brother house, Shelli Poole and Steve Moses were both on the chopping block, however, Becky made it clear her plan was to backdoor Vanessa Rousso. Regardless, Steve was annoyed Becky kept going after him and said she'd be his main target going forward.

Vanessa was worried about being a backdoor option considering Becky had refused to make a deal with her or confirm they were in an alliance together. Becky thought Vanessa was an "independent" in the game who only looked after herself. Shelli had to keep Becky's plan a secret even though she viewed Vanessa as her closest ally in the house. Shelli felt bad lying to Vanessa but she had to for the sake of her own game since she was on the block.

Becky was not afraid to get blood on her hands. On the contrary, she wanted full credit for making the big move of getting Vanessa out.

Meanwhile, both Shelli and Vanessa hoped they'd win the Power of Veto. Shelli wanted to take herself off the block, while Vanessa planned to take Shelli off the block -- while saving herself simultaneously. Vanessa told Shelli that she was the only person she trusted in the game. Shelli told Vanessa if she was given "houseguest's choice" for the PoV competition, she'd pick her. Shelli knew that would be an unpopular decision but it gave her the best chance of staying in the game.


John McGuire tried to convince Shelli to pick him to play in the veto competition if she was given the option. John and Becky agreed that Vanessa winning PoV would be worst case scenario. Shelli was conflicted because she leaned on John for support since Clay Honeycutt was no longer around. John also asked Steve to pick him for the competition if possible. John explained to Steve how Vanessa was their backdoor plan all along. Steve didn't want Vanessa gone, but at the same time, since he was on the block, better it be someone else.

Steve was surprised he wasn't the target, which ironically surprised John. John told the cameras Steve had done nothing and won nothing, so he wasn't a threat to anybody.

On a side note, Liz Nolan admitted she had developed feelings for Austin Matelson. Liz said although he wasn't her type physically, his personality had won her over. They were the only showmance left in the house at this point. She was no longer spending time with Austin just out of strategy.

When it became time for the houseguests to pick players for the PoV competition, Austin got picked and then Shelli had her choice. She asked Vanessa to play. Meg Maley was also selected. John and Becky weren't happy with Shelli at all, and she was well aware of that. Shelli tried to explain to John that if she didn't let Vanessa compete in the veto competition, she'd know what was going on and would blow up.

Steve ended up winning the superhero-themed Power of Veto competition. Becky was thrilled because Steve would take himself off the block, giving her the opportunity to nominate Vanessa for eviction. She didn't have to do any of the dirty work.


Vanessa then confronted Becky, saying she felt it was between herself and John to become the replacement nominee. Vanessa made it seem like Becky owed her for evicting Jason in a previous week, but Becky couldn't care less. Becky brutally lied to Vanessa's face in that she promised her safety. Jackie Ibarra, Meg and Austin also confirmed to Vanessa she wasn't the target. Vanessa felt relieved and finally stopped being paranoid.

At the veto meeting, Steve took himself off the block and then Becky declared Vanessa the replacement nominee. Becky announced it was a personal decision because Vanessa was very influential in the game and made amazing plans and moves. Becky also explained that Vanessa dropped people quickly if it didn't benefit her own game she it was tough to tell whom she was working with or against every week.

Vanessa later cried in the diary room, saying she was hurt and felt disrespected by Becky. Becky had given Vanessa her word and ultimately betrayed her.

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.