Big Brother determined the week's four nominations only to subsequently dethrone one of the two Head of Households, leaving two houseguests on the chopping block during Sunday night's eighteenth broadcast of the show's sixteenth season on CBS.


Big Brother's eighteenth episode began with the two new Head of Households, Donny Thompson and Nicole Franzel, discussing whom they should nominate for the week with ally Hayden Voss. 

Donny acknowledged how Cody Calafiore, Frankie Grande and Derrick Levasseur had never been nominated. Considering the fact Donny had spent three weeks on the block, he thought it would be nice for those guys to get a taste of what it felt like to be nominated and fight for their place in the game. 

Zach Rance tried to use reverse psychology by telling Nicole to nominate him because he deserved it after previously calling her a "fruit-loop dingus" in front of the whole house. 

Meanwhile, Derrick and Frankie agreed they had both lost $5,000 each from the prior "Team America" challenge due to Donny's insistence it wouldn't have been in "the best interest of his personal game." The guys therefore hoped Donny would keep them safe since they did him a favor. Donny did have every intention to leave them alone.


Nicole suggested to Derrick they should backdoor Frankie because he was a huge threat in regards to his social game and the strong friendships he had developed in the house. Although Derrick acted like he was onboard with the plan, he had no intention to evict Frankie because they were close allies. Derrick and Frankie were members of the "Detonators" alliance with Zach, Cody, and Christine Brecht.

Donny then called Caleb Reynolds out for nominating him in Week 1. Donny suggested he might nominate Caleb, who told the cameras afterwards he'd absolutely come after Donny if he ended up on the chopping block. Caleb promised Donny he wouldn't nominate him again and would use the Power of Veto on him if possible as long as he avoided a nomination.

After his plea, Caleb told Donny the last person he'd want to be on the block with was Victoria Rafaeli. Donny laughed to the cameras, saying Caleb never should have told him that.

Derrick then decided he wanted Donny to remain the sole HoH to keep "Team America" intact while dethroning Nicole, which would squash her plan to backdoor Frankie. Nicole, however, intended to nominate two weak players to lessen the chance of them winning the "Battle of the Block" competition so she could stay the week's HoH.

Hayden told Nicole she should nominate two non-threatening houseguests so that, if her two nominees lost the "Battle of the Block," Caleb would go home if the PoV wasn't utilized and "the puppetmaster" Frankie could be backdoored if someone did opt to use the PoV. Frankie would serve as someone's replacement.


Likewise, Donny didn't want to get blood on his hands. He was okay with backdooring Frankie as long as he wasn't the person to initiate the move. Nicole wanted to make a big move yet worried that if Frankie managed to get off the block somehow, it would be "game over" for her.

At the nomination ceremony, Nicole nominated Jocasta Odom and Zach, whom she promised wasn't her main target. Nicole announced she had put Jocasta on the block as simply "a game move," while Zach was up for eviction due to his behavior last week in which he hurt her feelings. Nicole noted that Zach should've seen it coming and he wasn't the "super villain" he was claiming himself to be.

Donny nominated Caleb and Victoria for eviction.  

The two pairs of nominees then battled each other in the domino-themed "Battle of the Block" competition. Victoria and Caleb ended up winning the challenge, ultimately dethroning Donny. However, Caleb and Victoria walked away with three unfortunate punishments dubbed "shaved head, Adam and Eve, and two weeks of slop."

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.