Alison Raybould finished Survivor: David vs. Goliath in fifth place during Wednesday night's finale broadcast of Survivor Season 37 on CBS.


Alison, a 28-year-old physician from Leawood, KS, who currently resides in Chapel Hill, NC, lost the $1 million grand prize to Nick Wilson, a 27-year-old public defender from Williamsburg, KY, who currently resides in London, KY.

Alison was voted out of the game on Night 37 through a unanimous vote. Alison, however, had cast her vote to oust Mike White from Survivor, who ended up finishing David vs. Goliath as the runner-up.

"I can't say I'm totally surprised, but it actually sucks a lot to be on the jury. I was on the edge of leaving at the last five Tribal Councils," Alison said following her ouster.

During an exclusive interview with Reality TV World on Thursday, Alison talked about her Survivor experience. Below is what she had to say.



Reality TV World: Why did you decide to cast your jury vote for Mike White to win, and would you make the same decision today now that you've been able to watch the season play out on TV?

Alison Raybould: You know, that's a great question! Seeing it play out on TV, I can see what a brilliant game Nick played, and I am honored to have him be the representative of our season.

Across the spectrum, he really did hit the three criteria of outwit, outplay and outlast. With that being said, I never really played much of the game with Nick other than at the very early merge, and then he stole my vote.

From there on, we never really strategized or spent time together, whereas Mike and I had a very intimate bond dating back to Day 2. He called me his "Wonder Woman Doctor," and he was my "Guardian Angel."


And I felt Mike was so good at the game, that he not only had to worry about himself -- he already had that taken care of -- but he had fun getting me through Tribal after Tribal.

So all of that is to say I'm really proud of voting for Mike and I think he played an inspired game and deserved votes, and so I stand by it 100 percent.


Reality TV World: When you were fighting to stay, you argued Davie would win the game if he got to the end. Were you just trying to paint the target onto him or did you really feel that way? And do you think you could have won had you made it to Final 3?

Alison Raybould: I think it was a combination of the two. I think it's only prudent to try and put that target on someone else. Davie also had a lot of momentum at that moment in time. He had won a Reward and an Immunity back to back, and he did have strong social connections, especially with a lot of the David members.


I also was acutely aware that it was a very male-dominated jury and what affect that may have on the ultimate Tribal Council.

To be honest, I certainly had the perception of -- and I think it was a perception many people on the jury held -- that if I was making it to the end, really against any combination, excluding [Christian Hubicki] -- there was a strong probability of me winning.

I think we could look under the microscope me against Nick, me against Davie -- and certainly the endgame matters and those last couple of days do matter -- but that was the perception. That was why I was a threat that needed to be taken out.

It was a nebulous being that was, "She is really strong with [John Hennigan] and [Alec Merlino]," and [Elizabeth Olson] and I played for two days together, but she has told me that she would've voted for me at the end, and so, who knows!

Nick played a brilliant game. I can't say I played a better game than that, clearly I didn't. But I can take solace in the fact that maybe if I was sitting there, I would have been the Sole Survivor.



Reality TV World: We saw that Kara Kay actually tried to orchestrate a Mike blindside when she had the chance. Are you surprised she didn't go through with it, and are you aware of why her plans fell through?

Alison Raybould: Yeah! So I called Kara my "leaky siren sieve." She's obviously the siren archetype and definitely uses her charm to get information in this game. And usually, she was a leaky sieve towards me with information, and that was how we worked together for so long in the game.

And I really believed Nick was the person I needed to convince. Truthfully, I convinced Nick to vote Mike, and it was only as long as Kara was onboard. I just assumed because she and I were ride-or-die allies, that she would be with me in this moment.

But she said time and time again, "I was never winning against you, so I certainly had to kick you out at that moment."

Reality TV World: When you stumbled upon Angelina Keeley's fake idol, did you immediately question its authenticity or did you arrive at that suspicion later on? And what ultimately gave away that it was fake?

Alison Raybould: It was instantaneous, for the record! I stumbled upon Angelina PUTTING it in a palm tree I had look at 100 times before in my idol search.


Reality TV World: Oh my gosh. (Laughs)

Alison Raybould: She said, "Oh sh-t," and started to put on the waterworks as if I just found a real idol and she's about to be idoled out of the game.

And, you know, if you're finding an idol -- I don't have the experience, unlike Davie, who had plenty of experience with that -- but I imagine there's a "Hallelujah Chorus" and your heart flutters and the skies part! And none of that happened.


I knew the idol was janky AF. There was two centimeters of string on one side and 13 centimeters of string on the other side, and the piece of paper was crumbled. So it didn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that one out. (Laughs)

I immediately walked back to camp and said, "I found a fake idol, guys!" And we had a good laugh about it. But I decided to play it because, my God, in that 0.00000000001 chance that it was real, it would be ill-advised of me to not just put it out there.

And clearly I said, "I've got a string, I've got a shell, and I've got a piece of paper. I'm pretty sure it's jank, but here you go."


Reality TV World: Angelina and yourself were allies and then adversaries. What did you think of her gameplay overall when taking into account that fake idol that Kara dubbed an "evil" move and her frequent reminder about winning more rice for the tribe? I got the impression she tried so hard to impress the jury that it backfired on her.

Alison Raybould: Oh, I know what you mean! I think it's a very complicated relationship that we have. There's a lot of love because of the shared experience. We started out as allies and I was the one who, you know, "took the first shot," but to me, that was strategy, right?

She was at the bottom of the alliance with people I was not closest with. So it made sense to have either her and [Dan Rengering] be the person you are willing to sacrifice in our attempt to getting in good with the Davids.

From that moment on, from her being called "a contingency plan," which was a terrible strategic move on my part, Angelina was on a war path for me. I say, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," and that could not be more true than me experiencing Angelina in the game.

So I think a lot of people say, "Was it because she was a woman that she was perceived as evil or aggressive or bossy?" And I fundamentally, as a woman, did not feel that that was the case.

I think that Day 37 was the hardest day in the game for me. It was truly ugly because the intent was to make me cry, and she even said it was out of personal spite. We saw that on-camera.

So that is to say Angelina and I are friends outside of this game. But it really was a hurtful move that really was an ad hominem attack -- an emotional one and not one that was formed out of strategy primarily.



Reality TV World: Did you reciprocate such personal feelings of wanting revenge on Angelina and wanting her gone?

Alison Raybould: No, I did not feel the need to have revenge on Angelina. Honestly, for me and my perspective, the moment I said "jury management," the mic dropped and it was the moment she was castrated in the game. 

Nobody was going to vote for her at the Final Tribal Council, and then we see that play out even further with rice negotiations being her crowning achievement. So, all of that is to say that was my perspective on Angelina inside of the game.

And I did not feel revenge. I did not feel spite. We actually had a friendship despite all of this. But it was not something where her gameplay was the type of gameplay I would award and respect.

Reality TV World: When I talked to Mike earlier today, he acknowledged his comments about you "losing dignity" and playing a "B+ game" comments were "b-tchy." (Laughs) Although Mike later apologized, it seemed he really hurt your feelings at the time. Do you have any comment on that whole situation?

Alison Raybould: Right, it 100 percent touched my core. What you didn't see was Mike and my relationship. We had a Day 2 alliance and we were each other's kind of -- once [Alec Merlino] left the game, he was my No. 1.


We were so close and we had this friendship... He does this thing where he bonds with people by putting down someone else, and it is a form of bonding because it shows you're being real if you're willing to put down someone else. You're being authentic with that person.

But I think, you know, Day 37, it was an ugly day. People were planting fake idols on me to get me to cry, people were saying I'd be leaving this game without dignity. And for someone who pretty much played with grace and class the whole way through, that was really, really difficult to go through.

[Editor's Note: Alison began to cry during this part of the interview].

Reality TV World: Well, I definitely think you played with dignity, Alison! You played a really great game.

Alison Raybould: Thank you!

To read more interviews with the Final 6 castaways of Survivor: David vs. Goliath, click here to visit our Survivor: David vs. Goliath show page.

About The Author: Steven Rogers
Steven Rogers is a senior entertainment reporter for Reality TV World and been covering the reality TV genre for two decades.