Sean Lowe's The Bachelorette experience came to a heartbreaking end when Bachelorette Emily Maynard rejected him in favor of Arie Luyendyk Jr. and winner Jef Holm during this summer's finale of the eighth season of the ABC reality dating series.


However, Sean received a second shot at finding love on television when The Bachelor producers selected him to serve as the star of the show's seventeenth edition, which filmed this fall and will premiere Monday, January 7 at 8PM ET/PT on ABC.

During a conference call with reporters last week, Sean, a 28-year-old business entrepreneur from Dallas, TX, talked to Reality TV World about his The Bachelor experience. To read what he had to say to us, click here.

Below are some highlights from ABC's transcript of Sean's call with reporters. Click here for additional highlights we had previously published.

It seems like you gave out quite a few roses before the first ceremony.  Was there a first impression rose and what influenced your decision to let some of the girls go?


Sean Lowe: You know, I don't think that we called it a first impression rose, but there was definitely one girl in the first episode that catches my eye, and she does receive the very first rose and, you know, you'll see that that first feeling and those initial sparks, they're going to play out over several episodes, and it's going to be an interesting relationship.

I know Ashley Hebert and J.P. Rosenbaum recently had their wedding last week. Did you attend and did you take anyone with you?

Sean Lowe: Yeah, I did attend the wedding and I went solo.  And, unfortunately, I was only able to stay for the ceremony, which was beautiful, and then I had to fly out to Vegas.  I didn't get to [attend] the reception, and I had a charity function I had to go to that evening, but it was a wonderful wedding and it was really cool because I got to meet a lot of former Bachelors and Bachelorettes there.

Are you hoping for something similar, televised?

Sean Lowe: Yeah, I mean, of course. J. P. and Ashley definitely found love, and they want to spend the rest of their lives together and that's why I signed up, so of course that's what I'm looking for.


It's been said that you're a born-again virgin.  I was wondering how did that work out for you during the fantasy suite dates? 

Sean Lowe: Well, here's the deal.  I don't know who wrote that article.  They certainly didn't speak to me, but I will say that the fantasy suite, I wanted to use it as time to spend together alone, off-camera, uninterrupted, and, you know, that's the approach that you're going to see me take this year. 

I think it's valuable time, and it's time that I didn't want to bypass.  It's just an awesome opportunity to get to know those three women a lot of better.

So, is it not true then that you're a born-again virgin?  That's not an accurate report?

[Publicist]: I think he's answered the question.


Sean Lowe: Yeah, yeah.  I'd rather just leave that one alone, but thank you.

What's the best piece of advice you got from any former Bachelor or Bachelorette once you signed up?

Sean Lowe: You know, I had the opportunity to reach out to a few and I chose not to because I wanted to kind of go into this blind. And I had a few kind of reach out to me and offer support, but I really wanted to experience this on my own and draw my own conclusions and make my own judgment.  And, so, to answer your question, I didn't get any -- only because I didn't take the opportunity to take their advice.

What did you learn from Emily's time on The Bachelorette that you took with you this season on The Bachelor, like "dos and don'ts" or something like that? 

Sean Lowe: Well, you know, on The Bachelorette, I made a point to just be myself and put my heart out there and, as you saw on that second-to-last episode, I went home and I didn't expect it, and I had my heart broken. But I knew to have a successful experience on The Bachelor, I needed to do the same thing. 


And so, I think people will see the same genuine person that's on The Bachelorette, and you're going to see me kind of laying my heart on the line, and I say several times this season, "I'm putting my heart out there and whoever wants to take it, feel free to take it." And, I think that's how you have to go into this if you really want to find true love.

You were at Ashley and J. P.'s wedding. Is that something that you'd be interested in if you found love this season, having your wedding televised along with the events leading up to it?

Sean Lowe: You know, it's something that I would definitely think about.  It's such a weird experience to, you know, start developing feelings and developing a relationship with cameras in your face, but the cool thing is, is that your whole relationship is documented. So if it comes to that, I don't think I would be opposed to it.  It would just be another way to document our relationship.

I just wanted to know, what has been the reaction from fans on the show who watched you on The Bachelorette?  What do they say to you? Do they say, "Oh, you should be the Bachelor," or what have they been saying to you on the street?

Sean Lowe: You know, I don't know how I've gotten so lucky, but you know, if I look online or if I look on Twitter, it seems like everyone has positive things to say about me. And I know a lot of Bachelors and Bachelorettes have maybe gotten an unfair rap in the past, and they get beat up pretty good online.

But everyone has been so nice, and they've wished me the best of luck, and they're excited to see that I'm the Bachelor, and they hope that I find true love and all that stuff.  So, hopefully, that trend continues, because I'm not really trying to get beat up.

You've been passing out so many roses and stuff, are you a fan of roses?  Were roses your chosen romantic flowers before appearing on the show?

Sean Lowe: In my past, I've given out some roses and I'm certainly going to give out a ton of roses this season. But I think now that the show is over, I would be happy if I didn't see another rose for the rest of my life.

You have mentioned in several questions that you had been prepared to be a stepfather to Ricki.  Do any of the women this season have children already that you would be willing to step into that role again?

Sean Lowe: Yeah, you're going to see that there is. I believe there's just one woman, who does have children, and that's not a deal-breaker for me at all.  In fact, I said with Emily, it almost made her more attractive in my eyes because I saw the love that she had for her daughter, and that's the type of wife that I'm looking for and the type of mother that I would like my wife to be. 

So, you know, whether it's dating on The Bachelor or dating in my real life here in Dallas, if a woman has children, you know, that's not a deal-breaker.


Did any of the women on the show remind you of Emily?

Sean Lowe: That's a good question.  You know, I don't think so.  But, I think that just is kind of a testament to how unique and special Emily is, but no one really reminded me of Emily too much this season.

So I just was wondering, are you nervous for the woman you picked -- if you picked someone at all in the end -- to watch this season unfold on TV?

Sean Lowe: Well, you know, without saying if I ended up with anyone or not, I hope that the women understand all of this -- if there is a final woman, [what] led me to her and, yeah, you're going to see me develop relationships with multiple women and kiss multiple women.

And I know that's going to be really tough to watch, but hopefully they would just have a good understanding of, "Yeah, he had to go through that to end up with me."

Above are some highlights from ABC's transcript of Sean's call with reporters. Click here for additional highlights we had previously published. To read what Sean had to say to Reality TV World specifically, click here

About The Author: Elizabeth Kwiatkowski
Elizabeth Kwiatkowski is Associate Editor of Reality TV World and has been covering the reality TV genre for more than a decade.